Anne and Dave

Anne and Dave at dinner

Taken by Tom 10/16/1999.

Anne dressed as ancient Egyptian for Hallowe'en  early indication of artistic talent
Caught by two Vikings at the Rougham Tree Fair, 1979 1982 August 1986
Dave and Anne, 1992

                                     and Anne as the Annihilator on the Tuck co-ed ice hockey team, 1996

Dave and Anne, 1992
Anne and Dave at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts, 1/29/1999. When invited to pot luck meals they are usually asked to bring a dessert.
Anne and Ken, 12/2000

Sand castle builders Dave and Anne: "The Abbey of St. Crane", constructed Aug. 28, 1999 at Crane Beach, Mass.
Anne on horseback at the Klap family reunion in Colorado, 8/2001

Anne in her classroom

Anne is seen here with Rousseau-style paintings created as examples for her students, 2/24/2000. Anne not only tries all the projects before she assigns them to her students, she also creates her own art. Click here to see some of Anne's block prints. To see two more prints, and read Anne's description of the spiritual underpinning of her art, click on "Everyday Blessings". For additional examples of her prints, click on Anne’s Catalogue.
Coaching the middle school field hockey team in the Homecoming game on 10/23/1999 vs. Newton Country Day School.
Anne likes industrial sites, some of which are artistically rendered. This one turned green, thanks to the clever development of your friendly neighborhood CVS store.
Rod, Ann, Dave, Anne, John, and Kathy Nydam
The Nydam Clan, August 1998: 
Anne, Dave, Emily, Mark, John, Ann, and Rod

"Mhorr's Gazelles", block print by Anne E. G. Nydam                                 Anne and Dave at Christmas                       "High Seas", block print by Anne E. G. Nydam