Jon Anderson's Page
Contact Information:
- -- Still my primary and preferred email address. This one will not go away for a long, long time, it seems. Mail from this address is redirected to wherever appropriate.
- -- Deprecated, consider this address temporary please, use instead.
- -- Work-related email only, please.
- My work number is 781.271.2740
- My resume will be available here:
- Everything else you can request via
Several PGP/GnuPG keys are available here...
What is this PGP stuff, anyway?
- or -- Pretty Good Privacy homepage
- Better yet, go open source: -- GnuPG requires a little more determination and skill. The joy is in the journey.
- Read Zimmerman's guide to PGP... rationale and history of Pretty Good Privacy, and can be found in pdf. Get Acrobat to read this, it's well worth it.
- Alice and Bob, the legacy.
Assortment of other links Jon pays some kind of attention to...
Reading List
You could go see my wish list.
- The Code Book, Simon Singh (sp?) -- finished
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation -- in progress (probably for the next three months.)
- Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson [homepage]-- complete
- Hyperion, Dan Simmons, sci-fi, recommended -- complete
- The New New Thing, Michael Lewis-- Ooof. Well, I read it. Asi, asi.
- You Can't be Neutral on a Moving Train, Howard Zinn-- in progress
- Words and Rules, Steven Pinker-- complete
- A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, David Foster Wallace-- complete
- A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, David Foster Wallace-- complete
- Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace-- in the queue
- Gold Bug Variations, Richard Powers-- complete, and zwounds was that a good read. Head's still spinning.
- Galatea 2.0, Richard Powers-- in progress
- Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Murikami-- waiting
- Ahab's Wife, Sena Jeter Nuslund-- waiting
- The Feeling of What Happens, Antonio Damasio-- complete, and worth the read - last updated: 25 July 2000