National Capital Area Square Dance Leaders Association

 Dance Leadership since 1951


A Word From The NCASDLA President

Tom Sellner is the president of NCASDLA.

NCASDLA President’s Message
April, 2017
Tom Sellner

This message was originally published in the Apr, 2017 issue of Calls n' Cues.


"What the world needs now is love sweet love, it's the only thing that we have too little of!" Welcome to all dancers about to graduate from round and square dance classes in the next few months. Many enjoyed the square and round dance invitations for new dancers at the WASCA festival. I enjoyed talking to a few of you. My enthusiasm for dancing is always high after a square dance festival! I have just seen and danced with many of the people I have danced with over the years and many of the dancers I taught to dance.

Time for all square dance clubs to roll out the red carpet and make plans to welcome new dancers and visitors to your square and round dance clubs. Often people who visit the WASCA festival stay around and visit our local clubs. One year, I had a whole square of dancers from Germany visit my club after a square dance festival. Many clubs have club members meet visitors at the door and also make sure that the visitors get into squares. For a new dancer to feel welcome, accepted and have their concerns met brings great joy to their hearts. The result will mean either visitors join the club or visit the club often!

Every dancer in a square is important! Each dancer of the eight must do their part for all eight dancers to succeed and bring happiness to the square. In our world very seldom do eight people work in perfect harmony to achieve success. The new dancers who feel welcome will dance for many years. Dancers who do not feel their needs are met will probably drop out long before their first year of dancing is done! Show love to a new dancer and welcome them into your squares. Talk to the new dancers between tips and thank the new dancers for coming as they go out the door. You'll never know how much a little love can change this big wide world! There are dancers in every corner of the free world and in many countries that are not so free!

God protect all dancers and all the people of the world from harm! Spread the love, dance!

Tom Sellner, President of NCASDLA

Upcoming Events
June Jamboree
Sunday, Jun 4, 2017 2:00-4:30
Holiday Park Senior Center
3950 Ferrara Drive
Wheaton, Maryland 20906

This page last updated May 22, 2017