Print out this page and send to:

Betty Lehrman
Tales for the Telling
88 Flanagan Drive
Framingham, MA 01701

Orders will be shipped via US mail. Only US checks or money orders, please. $15 per CD, $10 per cassette, plus $1.50 per item for postage & handling. Make checks payable to Betty Lehrman.


Please send me:

___ Watermelon! and Other Stories CD $15 each

___ Watermelon! and Other Stories tape $10 each

___ Tales for the Telling CD $15 each

___ Jewish Tales from the Heart cassette $10 each

Total CDs Ordered x $15 ____

Total cassettes Ordered at $10 ____

Shipping & Handling (# tapes or CDs x $1.50) ____

Total Enclosed _____

Name (print clearly) ______________________________
Address ______________________________________
e-mail or phone (in case we need to get in touch with you about your order)

__ put me on your e-mail list __ don't send me e-mails
