Everything you ever wanted to know about Columbus and his voyages.
All kinds of information found on the web about voyages of discovery and exploration
- with timelines and maps. It also has an alphabetical list of explorers
This is a unique ThinkQuest project that allows students to interact with
fellow students around the world. Exploration is pretty much a universal curriculum
component. Users can submit an explorer to the database and read other entries.
Strong focus on the "why" of exploration.
This is a primary/intermediate site for from the Mountain
City Elementary School in Tennessee. It's very basic but will provide information
and activities that younger students can do on their own.
Time Machine
A time machine you find at a flea market has only three choices, sailing with
Magellan, Columbus or Drake. Who was the best leader? This activity is part of
a fifth grade webquest from Bellingham, Washington.
From a PBS series, this site features Cortes, Pizarro, Orellana
and Cabeza de Vaca and the devastating results of their quests. This is an ...
"innovative educational resource for middle and high school classrooms
to learn about the Spanish Conquistadors in the New World and the legacy
of their contact with Native Americans. There are extensive lesson plans for
teachers and in-depth online content for students available in both English
and Spanish."
Donn's United States History Page
Mr. Donn is a cool guy. Lesson Plans, Activities & Resources for all aspects
of American History - nice site on Native American history and culture.
This is a great site from an
elementary school, we think in Tennessee. It has links to charts, maps, famous
Native Americans, activities and maps. Easy reading.
This site is an amazing collection of 10 lessons with fantastic links, rubrics,
music, etc. for a unit on Native Americans.
Southwest Native Americans
Easy reading on the cultures of the Apache, Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, & Zuni.
Plimoth Plantation - Plimoth-on-Web
is the living history museum of the seventeenth century in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Visitors may learn more about the Pilgrim Story, the history of Plymouth Colony
(1620-1692), the Wampanoag Indians, Thanksgiving, and find links to related
sites on the Web.
First Americans compares and contrasts the basic culture of 5 tribes. It explores
the stereotypes in a sensitive manner. There is also a very good activities
section - a well done and easy to navigate website.
The stereotypes link on the above site is not working - here is the fix:
The best feature of this site is a clickable map of North America that zooms
into the region and gives the history of the land and its indigenous peoples.
Table charts are also provided for each region with a timeline and links to
the cultures. The site also has informative links about big game hunters and
A wonderful, comprehensive site on Native Americans. This is a work in progress;
when complete these Histories will encompass approximately 240 tribal histories
(contact to 1900). They will be limited to the lower 48 states of the U.S. but
also include those First Nations from Canada and Mexico that had important roles
The Wampanoags
Very good website about the Wampanoags - the Indian tribe that is most often
associated with the Pilgrims. Site provides historical context and links to
tribal culture past and present.