Extensive list of teacher resources for multicultural education.
in over 80 Languages
Cultural translations of "Let peace prevail on Earth"
in over 80 languages. It's fascinating to see the many written scripts. Each
is clickable to allow one to "hear" the message spoken.
Intercultural E-mail
Classroom Connections
IECC is a free teaching.com service to help teachers link
with partners in other cultures and countries for email classroom pen-pal and
other project exchanges. Since its creation in 1992, IECC has distributed over
28,000 requests for e-mail partnerships.
Multicultural Passport
Donn's Ancient Roots and Modern Holidays - many
links to sites for all holidays - U.S. and worldwide, with history, activities,
lesson plans, and clip art.
Great list of Holiday activities specifically geared toward primary grades.
Click on one of the many culture links and learn how to say "hello". Each
Hello has the written word and a sound. It even includes non-verbal languages
like Braille and Sign Language. Very neat for a welcome to our room, school,
etc. bulletin board. From the Internet Public Library.
"Celebrate the beautiful rainbow of cultures and traditions that come from
around the world." A comprehensive "searchable" site suitable for grades K to
6. Many excellent links to activities celebrating cultural differences.
Great resources for all holidays and multicultural studies.
Excellent resource for autobiographies, multicultural activities and history.
There's a nice section of projects for kids that have suggestions suitable for
primary grades to high school.