Today's Front Pages

Check this out! This site has the front pages of over 100 different newspapers. The Newseum's Today's Front Pages page lets you view the current front pages of 163 newspapers from 25 different countries. If you're interested in reading (or sharing with your students) the published perspectives of current events from around the world, this is a great way to do it! You will need to disable your pop-up killer to view these papers since they are pop-ups. Just turn it back on when you're finished! Also an excellent "real world" source for foreign language students.

CNN - Student News

More appropriate for middle and upper grades, but an excellent site for current events.

New York Times Learning Network

Daily updates for current events - geared for students grades 3 to 12. Nice connection links and archives for students and teachers. The "Test Prep Question of the Day" is interesting and teaches strategies for answering certain types of questions.

Student News Net

News for Kids Online - Sort of like an electronic "Weekly Reader" that changes daily. Great for current events. Sponsored by MSNBC. Well done.


This is a great resource for anyone doing a newspaper unit
Scholastic Website

One of the better commercial sites with classroom resources, magazines online, teacher tips and student activities. Go to "News Zone" to see current events online.
Time For Kids

By the publishers of Time Magazine - a great current events site updated weekly. Site offers 2 reading levels - Gr. 2-3 and Gr. 4-6.

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