Multimedia Book Report Rubric (Fiction)

A great printable rubric for use with HyperStudio, PowerPoint or KidPix


Online Rubrics tool for project-based learning activities. Many rubric templates that are easy to customize and save. Also has a link to rubrics in Spanish. Very nice.

Slate - Rubric Builder

User inserts criteria (objectives and performance indicators) and the site will calculate a rubric!

The Staff Room

Here is a useful site for integrating technology with teaching. It has some wonderful links to assessment tools including many rubrics for major subjects as well as the arts.
S.C.O.R.E. Language Arts

This is an "activity bank" associated with S.C.O.R.E. It has a teacher activity bank and a student one, with topics like graphic organizers, rubrics and journalism. It is one of Kathy Schrock's "New Sites This Month". Looks great!
Project Based Learning Checklist Creator

This is a wonderful and easy to use on-line evaluation tool. A student guideline can be created in minutes using a list provided and/or adding your own criteria. The finished printout lets students know exactly what the expectations are for their project. Checklist categories are writing, science, oral presentations and multimedia. Very nice indeed.

Rubric for Evaluating Student Presentations

This is a worthwhile skill to develop. This particular rubric is a good starting point!
Writing in the MultiMedia Classroom (includes a rubric for a 5-paragraph essay)

Rubric Template
Rubric Guidelines
Rubrics Bank

Home page for Chicago Public Schools Performance Assessment Ideas and Rubrics. Click on The Rubric Bank, then the subject you wish and you should get there. The actual rubrics are formatted as pdf documents that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.