Jonathan's Opinion of the First Continental Congress

Jonathan is a merchant who trades goods by ship between England and the American Colonies.

"This colonial assembly think they meet in secret session, but with so many spies in our ports, it's difficult to keep information from those who wish to know what's going on. I can only hope that they listen to the wise Joseph Galloway. He is drafting a plan to somehow compromise a way to have more freedom, yet stay under British rule.

I fear for my livelihood should this country ever be under the rule of such hotheads as Patrick Henry and Sam Adams! These treasonous radicals actually prefer death to not having their "so-called" liberty. They are gifted speakers and have the power to incite the people into a war with England. That would be a terrible mistake.

We must remain loyal to our Motherland and somehow find a way to work this out! Too many lives are at stake."

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