Philip's Opinion of the Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill

Philip is an Iroquois Indian. He is a mercenary soldier, recruited for money by the British.

"I have no love for any Englishman, but I will fight this battle on the side of the British Crown. I have been told that King George wants to protect Indian lands from the settlers - yet in my mind I doubt that to be true. There are six tribes in the Iroquois Confederation. We can be fierce warriors so both sides of this conflict are eager to have us fight with them. It matters little to me, except to keep myself alive. There were many deaths on this hill in Charlestown. Yet death has come too easily to my people. Many diseases were brought to our land by foreign colonists. For over 100 years, we have endured the hardship of being displaced from our homes. We have been starved, driven into exile and even murdered because of the land-greed of the white men.

Both sides will likely claim victory in this battle. But I believe that violence and distrust will continue to be the legacy of Europe to my nation."

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