Read - Write - Think

ReadWriteThink offers a wide array of standards-based lesson plans that meaningfully integrate Internet content into the teaching and/or learning experience. Lessons can be selected according to grade band (K–2, 3–5, 6–8) and area of literacy practice. Each lesson is research-based, and includes a detailed instructional plan. The lessons are written for the teacher but include student-ready materials such as worksheets, interactives, and reviewed Web resources.

Webbes - Create Little Digital Books

This site enables you to download templates for making terrific little books. Students can write adventure stories. They can add graphics to illustrate them and/or draw pictures and scan them into the templates. They easily print and are very effective!

Powerpoint Grammar and Writing

Several PowerPoint presentations lead classes through the finer points of understanding English grammar, including avoiding run-on sentences, using apostrophes, colons, and semi-colons, and spelling rules for everyone.

Word Central

From Merriam-Webster - "Word Central is the place on the Web where kids can learn how much fun words can be! We've developed this site with input from teachers around the country using a language arts curriculum framework. We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful."

Educate the Children / Literacy

This is from the UK but still an excellent interactive site for literacy skills. This section covers sentence meaning and structure, grammar, punctuation and word order.  Included are lesson plan, interactive activities, worksheets and tests.
S.C.O.R.E. Language Arts

This is an "activity bank" associated with S.C.O.R.E. It has a teacher activity bank and a student one, with topics like graphic organizers, rubrics and journalism. Looks great!
Writing Prompts

This is a useful database of writing prompts suitable for grades 4 to 12. Handy if you are running out of ideas!
Easy Bibs

This tool will automatically format, alphabetize and print your bibliography!

Word Lovers Web Site

Little Explorers Web Dictionary - Neat little online dictionary with clickable links to other information, games or jokes. It can be accessed in English, or English with /Spanish/French/Portuguese/German

Writing and Grammar

This is an excellent resource page written by the staff at Lake Junior High School from St. Paul, Minnesota. Many resources referenced or presented here are excellent for all age levels. Site includes citing sources, five paragraph essay wizard, grammar and style notes and vocabulary builders - a treasure trove.
The Wacky World of Words!

Word Play site for all ages. Activities include Compound Clues, Rhyming Buddies, A-Z Lists, Words Within Words, Numbletters, Alpha-Spells, Anagrams, Similes, Oxymorons, Mystery Word and Links to similar sites. Teachers can email and send their own, or students' contributions to the word site.
Ancient Alphabets

This is the neatest site we have seen in a long time. Go to the Evolution of Alphabets link and watch ancient alphabets "morph", using a timeline, into something you can actually recognize. Fascinating!

Slate - Citation Machine

Great for citing Internet research - type the info requested into the machine and it will assemble your citation correctly!


Biography Maker - A step-by-step on-line "Biography Machine" that is "... designed to help you convert facts into insights, dull and bring information into fascination and magic ... to inspire lively story telling and vivid writing which will make your readers want to know more about your subject".
The National Women's Hall of Fame - In 1969, a group of women and men of Seneca Falls, New York created the National Women's Hall of Fame. This is a searchable web site containing pictures and biographical sketches of the women who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. It also has a section of the history of the struggle for women's rights.
Notable Women Ancestors - Interesting web page designed with the intent of honoring all of our notable women ancestors, and offering a large volume of historical and genealogical info. The Data Base of Female Ancestors can be searched alphabetically or by categories like "Adventurers", "Royalty", "Feisty Women", etc. The really unique aspect of this site is that you can submit your own "ancestress" as part of our documented heritage.
Who2 - Find Famous People Fast
"Classic authors, movie stars, famous frauds, kings and queens, mythical gods, cartoon dogs--anyone famous is fair game for Who2." Each entry includes birth and death dates, birthplace, what the person is best known for, a couple of paragraphs with assorted other biographical information, and four links to good Web sites. Who2 Loops includes dozens of eclectic lists of people who share something in common, such as Death by Car, Celebrity Beekeepers, and May-December Presidents. The pop-ups are annoying but the site is so much fun, you can live with them.

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