An interview with 7th grade teacher

Ms. Zawada

by The Journalist


How long have you been teaching?

            About four years.


You teach social studies and language arts. Do you like either better?

Well, when I was in school, I studied English. However, when they hired me they had two positions open; social studies and language arts. I asked for both because I thought it would be boring to teach the same subjects all day long.


What is your favorite thing about teaching?

Definitely getting to know the kids. They are young enough to do silly things, but  old enough to learn harder material.


What is your least favorite thing about teaching?

All of the paperwork. I have so many papers to keep straight from students, the office, et cetera.


Have you taught anywhere else before?

            I have taught in Brookline, Chelsea, and Lexington.


How do you like the faculty and Mr. Sangster?

So far, this faculty has been great. They are a ton of fun, and very helpful. They always lend you books if you need them; help you find a classroom, and everything.


How do you like all of your students?

My students have been very well so far, depending on the time of day. In the morning they fall asleep at their desks and in the afternoon they are kind of rowdy.


Do you have anything else to say to the newspaper?

I am honored to have been chosen for teacher spotlight. I hope you will continue to do well putting out the newspaper. As a language arts teacher, I am glad there is a newspaper.