Could UFOs Really Be

Alien Spaceships?

UFOs: The Deadly Deception


From the Message of

Bread Upon The Waters Ministry

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This is one of those questions that no really intelligent and well - informed person could honestly answer with an absolute "Yes" or "No". Unfortunately, some UFO reports are quite compelling on the "Yes" side of the question. On the other hand, there are some very good reasons, both scientific and theological, for saying "No". We will now look at some of these issues.


On the yes side, there have been reports that described "aliens" coming out of UFOs that had landed and the "aliens" were seen doing what we would call collecting specimens, that is, samples, of rocks, plants, etc. Some of these "aliens" have been seen doing what appeared to be "maintenance work" on their "spaceships". These same "aliens" have avoided contact with humans. As mentioned on the previous page, UFO abductions of animals have been observed. These things are actually the kinds of behavior that we would expect from intelligent aliens. The UFOs in some of these cases have left material evidence of their having been there when they took off, such as indentations in the ground from their landing gear. There has been scorching and other damage done to foliage. In one such case, a tarred road was reported to have been set afire by the UFO's rocket engines when it took off. People who have come into close proximity to landed UFOs have been burned or otherwise injured. Some people who have gotten close to UFOs seem to have suffered radiation poisoning.

Also, in abduction cases, if the "aliens" say anything about their origin, they claim to come from other worlds. In the famous "Interrupted Journey" abduction case, the victims, Betty and Barney Hill, were shown a 3-D star map that the "aliens" said showed their home star system. Researchers have identified this map with an area of space not far distant (in interstellar terms) from the earth containing several sun - like stars.

Emotional effects on, as well as abductions of, animals have been reported. This does appear to suggest that something real is happening, but see, "How Satan Deceives". It is not surprising if the presence of demonic power sufficient to produce a UFO could also produce an emotional impact, i.e. frightening, on animals. There is Biblical precedent for the idea that an animal can sense the presence of a spirit being. See Numbers 22:22-30. The context suggests that although the donkey's speaking was a miracle, its seeing the angel was not.

There have been "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" wherein the abductees remembered having small objects implanted within their bodies. There have been several recent cases in which it is claimed that the objects were found and surgically removed. No one claims to know with certainty the purpose of these strange, tiny objects. However, they do not appear to be made of anything that could not have come from earth.

Materials and objects have been presented for scientific examination with the allegation that they came from UFOs. The results are inconclusive. Although the materials in at least two cases were quite unusual, chemically speaking, there was, again, nothing about them that made them of necessarily extraterrestrial origin.

Are UFO Photographs, Videos, etc., Really Worth Anything as Evidence?

In a word, No! Unless, backed up by the testimony of multiple reliable witnesses. They are too easily faked, especially since the advent of computer image and video editing. Even in the past, it was amazingly easy for a person who had even a serious amateur's knowledge of photography to create convincing fakes. Commercial photographers and filmmakers regularly create what amount to fake photos and films as part of their business. It's what we call "special effects". The old saying "The camera doesn't lie" is itself a lie, and has been almost since the beginning of photography. Besides, as stated previously, Satan can produce "lying wonders" that are real enough to be photographed, videotaped, and/or tracked on radar, simultaneously.

In this context, there has been a big sensation in the past two years (1996-97) over a film that purports to show an autopsy being performed on the corpse of a "space alien". It is the subject of hot debate, even among "true believers", whether the film is genuine. Furthermore, an alternate explanation, though not a pleasant one, for the body in the film has surfaced. The body may have been that of a human child who was the victim of a germ warfare experiment. Again, if this is true, calling it an "alien" was the cover - up. (Note: this was done in the late 40's to early 50's if true.) Regardless of the true explanation, the controversy that exists over the film shows that even things like this do not constitute real evidence.


Given the proposition that Satan is able to produce the effects mentioned above, we find that the "satanic deception" explanation becomes increasingly credible in the light of the reasons for a "No" answer.


Skeptics, have argued, quite credibly, that it is extremely unlikely that aliens are visiting us in the numbers that would be required to produce the UFO Phenomenon. If UFOs are in fact alien spaceships, then we appear to be receiving several hundred visits a day. If this is really alien spaceship activity, then what is happening is nothing short of a covert invasion. They have to be out to take over the world, one Close Encounter at a time. They may even be preparing for an overt invasion.

Some scientists have argued against the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life using the same arguments from mathematical probability that Creationist use to argue against evolution by chance. They say that the probability of intelligent life evolving by chance is so small that, although it "did happen here", it is wildly improbable that it happened anywhere else. Relevant to this, the late Dr. Carl Sagan, in his book "The Cosmic Connection", said that the probability of life as we know it evolving by chance is smaller than the number one divided by the number of atoms in the universe. Which is to say, it is best expressed as zero. Yet there have been several types of "space aliens" reported, which increases the improbability. From the scientific point of view, therefore, the "alien spaceship" explanation is so highly improbable that it is in practical terms impossible.

Impossible Maneuvers

It has long been a scientific objection to the "alien spaceship" explanation that UFOs flying in the sky appear to perform maneuvers that violate the known laws of physics. These maneuvers include making sharp turns, or instantly reversing direction, while moving at high speed, and instantly disappearing. With the best of modern science and technology, there is no way that the turns and reversals can be explained, even in theory. The amount of energy required would approach infinity, and the G-forces involved would kill the crew. In fact, a material vehicle would disintegrate under the inertial stress. You have heard the truism, "It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop". These maneuvers are the equivalent of a very sudden, high speed stop. But Satan could make a person believe that he saw a UFO doing these things. UFOs instantly disappearing is difficult, though not impossible, to explain in terms of modern physics. But it is easy to explain it if the UFOs are not real to begin with. All it means is that the demons stopped doing whatever they were doing to make the UFOs appear.

Scientific Authority

One of the greatest scientific authorities on the subject of UFOs was the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek (died 1986). Hynek was the Professor of Astronomy at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and was very active in the NASA Space Program. Relevant to UFOs, he was best known for having been the scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Bluebook, the official government investigation of UFOs. Later, he established the Center for UFO Studies, the only truly scientific organization to ever openly investigate the Phenomenon. He coined the terms "Nocturnal Lights" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" as parts of a system of classification of UFO reports that he created. He was paid $25,000 dollars by Steven Spielberg to be a consultant for the movie, "Close Encounters...", and did an unannounced cameo appearance in the final sequence.

When Hynek first became involved with Project Bluebook, he was a skeptic. But his experiences in working with the Project gradually turned him into a believer. He was, in fact, shocked by the unscientific approach the Air Force investigators took toward the subject. For all that, he never believed that UFOs were spaceships from other planets. And remember that this man knew as much as, or more about the subject than, anyone else alive. He did think there was something real about them, though. He speculated that they might be from another dimension. He definitely believed that people were seeing things that were not subject to any ordinary explanation. This is closer to the truth, as we shall see.

Theological Objections to the "Alien Spaceship" Theory

The existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings who are regularly visiting the earth and interacting with humans, if this should prove true, would open a can of theological worms - deadly worms, at that - for Christians. A theological objection to the "alien spaceship" explanation of UFOs has long since been raised on this issue: If the beings who present themselves as "space aliens" really are such, then why is God allowing them to tamper with the human race the way they are obviously doing? Why would He allow them to harm humans? The "aliens" that are involved with "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and those who give "telepathic" inspiration to UFO cultists say things that are contrary to Christian doctrine and that are usually of a decidedly New Age nature. If UFOs are alien spaceships, then the "aliens", by Christian standards, are evil. Even secular experts have acknowledged this. If they were not, they would either leave us alone completely or at worst not tamper with humanity the way they are doing.

The only other possibility relevant to the situation is that the Christian Faith isn't true. The UFO Phenomenon has to be a satanic deception for what is reported to be happening, or the Gospel and in fact the entire Judeo-Christian theological tradition is a lie. There is no middle ground. Which do you believe?

The "Strong Delusion"

The Bible mentions one relevant thing that God will do to mankind in response to our general refusal to believe the Gospel: He will "send the strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (II Thessalonians 2:11). In other words, as part of His judgement on mankind in the Time of the End, God allows big - time deception. UFOs appear to be part of that "strong delusion". The UFO Phenomenon is definitely a powerful thing, as any real student of the subject knows. It has had an enormous impact on the lives of many people, including, but by no means limited to people who have actually seen them. By recent surveys in the United States, better than 10% of all Americans claim to have seen a UFO at least once; and better than 50% believe in the reality of UFOs to some extent. At least several tens of thousands believe that they have been the victims of UFO abductions, and some believe they have been abducted repeatedly. Something like this is important and dangerous.

We Are Alone!

There is Biblical reason to believe that as far as flesh and blood intelligent life is concerned, we are alone in the universe. The Book of Genesis, chapters 1 & 2, emphasize the idea that the human race is a special creation of God. We are created in His image, and that is why we are as intelligent and creative as we are, and can communicate the way we do. (See the "BABEL RISING!" page.) If there is any other such life in the universe, there is not even a hint of it in the Scriptures. Of course, the Bible does affirm the existence of angelic life, and even suggests that there are different forms of it. But as far as material, intelligent life, we must conclude from the Bible that we are in fact alone.

The Decaying Universe

The Bible gives reason to believe that the entire physical universe is in a state of decay, or to use the Biblical term, corruption. (See Romans 8:19-23.) This idea happens to be in amazing agreement with modern physics. One of the most significant laws of physics is the Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Universal Entropy (which, by the way, is the opposite of evolution). It says that the universe is in a state of decay to the point that everything will eventually cease to exist, even without divine intervention. It has been theologically speculated that this decay is the result of sin, especially satanic sin. A widely held doctrine of Christianity is that, following the Final Judgement, the entire universe will be re-created. At that time, Satan and all other evil beings will have at least been removed from any position of spiritual influence, if not completely annihilated. If this is the end of the universe as we know it, it is also the end of life as we know it. This would include any material alien life. Why would God create alien life unless He somehow meant to include that alien life in His plan of salvation? But again, the Bible contains not the least hint of the existence of such life. Again, the "aliens" who have interacted with humans, by Christian standards, are evil. In terms of Christian cosmology, the "Alien Spaceship" explanation of UFOs is totally unacceptable. They have to be satanic.

But if we draw this conclusion only from a Christian perspective, we might well be accused of religious bias. Our ideas could be viewed as religious paranoia. Is there any direct support for this conclusion from experts in the field who have no interest in Christian Faith? Yes, there is, and it is impressive. We will discuss it in the next page,

A Totally Different Explanation

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