Allegra (Madrigal's Give Yourself To Love)
winning BOW under Bob Sharp for two points in Syracuse NY.
Handled always beautifully by Ashley King.


Madrigal's Sparkle and Shine
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)

Madrigal's Sparkle and Shine
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)
Three Point Major

Madrigal's Sparkle and Shine
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)

Madrigal's Sparkle and Shine
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)

Madrigal's Sparkle and Shine
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)
Here is our latest show girl, "Sparkle", enjoying the early Autumn sunshine this past Sept 2008 in Goshen CT. at the dawn of her show career. Sparkle is a full sister to our "Rikki", American Canadian Champion Madrigal's Ricochet Romance. Just currently 9 months old, we are excited that Sparkle will join her sister in the ranks of Champion.

Some candid shots of "Luca", Madrigal's Poetic Justice (Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance) showing off his beautiful outline for all of us to admire. Luca is owned by Kathy Snyder of Kailing Shih Tzu.
Sonny Achieves His Title

Ch. Donlee Madrigal's And The Beat Goes On
Sonny achieved his Championship title by winning his second major at the Classic Toy Dog Club of Western Mass. show on May 24, 2008 under judge Dorothy Dalton. He was handled to the finish by Ashley King. With one litter on the ground and awaiting their own turn in the show ring, we look forward to Sonny's offspring in the near future. He is at stud to approved bitches. Serious inquiries are invited.

Madrigal's Poetic Justice aka "Luca" taking his first point under respected judge James Reynolds, handled by his owner, Kathleen Snyder of Kailing Shih Tzu. Luca is sired by Kathy's "Jonathan", Group winning Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel and is out of our precious "Rikki", Am. Ca. Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance. Kathy's exceptional grooming and handling skills as an owner-handler, we are sure, will help young Luca compete proudly for his AKC Championship title during 2008. Bravo!!

"Luca", Madrigal's Poetic Justice
(Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance)
Luca, Amy's littermate, resides with Kathy Snyder, Binghamton NY of Kailing Shih Tzu. Look for Luca at the Northeast dog shows this Spring and Summer. Luca has a picture perfect outline, lovely headpiece and an "up" personality. We wish Kathy and him a successful run for his Championship title in 2008. He is a very special guy.

"Amy", Madrigal's Once In Love With Amy
(Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel) X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance)

"Amy", Madrigal's Once In Love With Amy
(Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel) X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance)

"Amy", Madrigal's Once In Love With Amy
(Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel) X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance)
Best of Breed

"Amy", Madrigal's Once In Love With Amy
(Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel) X Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance)
Amy is our sweet 13 month old girl our Rikki. Her headtype is stunning and her sweet temperment make her a wonderful dog to live with. She is currently readying for the Spring and Summer 2008 showring with her new handler Jackie Bozeman in sunny Georgia. We look forward to her achieving her title sometime in 2008.

"Teya" Thai and American Ch. Hearty's Doom Doom Girl
(Thai Ch. Symarun's Last Ride X Thai Ch. Hearty's Final Play)
Teya is our latest Champion, finishing on December 9, 2007. Teya was a lovely gift to us from our dear friends, from Indonesia, Agus Riyanto of La' Verne Shih Tzu and Kai Sukkonoi of Thailand's Hearty Shih Tzu. Teya finished with both majors earned in one weekend, handled by Jackie Bozeman. Teya also earned a Group 3 placement under Judge Jane Kaye handled by Ashley King. Teya is awaiting her own time in the whelping box and will be bred in this summer to Donlee Madrigal's And The Beat Goes On, our own Sonny.

Donlee Madrigal's And The Beat Goes On
(Ch. Donlee's Beat The Tom Tom X Winin's Moonlight Serenade)
"Sonny" is quickly nearing his AKC Championship title, needing only one 3 pt. major to finish. Sonny's stunning head type and flashy movement make him a show boy to be reckoned with. He debuted at the tender age of 7 months in July 2007 only to garner a major win and a Best of Breed, owner-handled. He is currently being shown by Ashley King with whom he presents a picture of perfection. Sonny was co-bred by Carol Green of Winin Shih Tzu and Lisa Miller of Donlee Shih Tzu. Sonny is the most loving young man who is always "up" and ready to show. He, himself, is already a proven stud dog, having sired a litter, bred and owned by Lisa Miller in January 2008. Sonny seems to be passing on his beautiful head and absolutely gorgeous and correct bite to his offspring.

Ch. Donlee's Beat The Tom Tom
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)
"Tommy" is the littermate of Am/Ca. Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance and like, Rikki, he excels in his sire's headtype, with broad skull, large dark eye and melting expression. He also carries his mother Billie's wonderful temperment and strong, sound movement. Tommy is owned by Lisa Miller of Donlee Shih Tzu in New York state. Tommy finished his Championship and accumulated a five point major in the Syracuse NY shows under the always flawless guidance of handler Pat Martello. Tommy is the sire of our "Sonny", Donlee Madrigal's And The Beat Goes On.

American/Canadian Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance
(Ch. Tu Chu's Outlaw X Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind)
"Rikki's" gorgeous headpiece and fluid movement lead her to her American title just before she was a year of age. Her Canadian Championship was finished in less than 30 days from start to finish. Rikki was co-bred with my friend Carol Green of Winin Shih Tzu. She is the owner of Rikki's sire, "Outlaw". Rikki was exclusively show with great style by Ashley King. Rikki continues her elegance and type in her offspring, Madrigal's Once In Love With Amy("Amy") and Madrigal's Poetic Justice("Luca", owned by Kathy Snyder). Both young ones are sired by Kathy Snyder of Kailing Shih Tzu's in "Jonathan", Ch. Kailing's Johnny Angel, Reserve Winner's Dog at the American Shih Tzu Club's 2006 Baltimore National. Both are currently debuting in the ring this spring and summer of 2008 and both excel in stunning outline, movement and headtype. We also have high hopes for Rikki's son, out of her second litter sired by Ch. Madrigal's Please Come To Boston, "Ernie", Madrigal's You've Got To Earn It, born January 14, 2008.

Ch. Madrigal's New York State of Mind ("Billie")
Ch. Ultra's Conflict of Interest x Ch. Briden's Don't Lead Me On
Billie is the littermate of Ch. Madrigal's Please Come To Boston. She finished her Championship in a quick succession of shows in heavy competition on the 2004 Florida Circuit expertly handled by Pat Martello. Billie's success has continued in the whelping box. She is the dam of Am/Ca Ch. Madrigal's Ricochet Romance and Ch. Donlee's Beat The Tom Tom. We currently have a litter born January 23, 2008, a repeat of Rikki and Tommy's litter in the nest now. Billie has imparted not only her flawless movement to her offspring but her sunny disposition. Her grandson, "Sonny", Donlee Madrigal's And The Beat Goes On needs one 3 point major to complete his AKC Championship title, having taken his first major at the tender age of 7 months in July 2007.

Ch. Madrigal's Please Come to Boston
Our newest Champion!!! Ch. Madrigal's Please Come to Boston finished his championship June 28th and June 29th with back to back four point majors and a Best of Breed win in Bainbridge NY!!!
We co-own Boston with Mary Kaye Dolan of Poughkeepsie NY. Thank you Mary Kaye for your hard work and dedication to this stunning red and white boy. Boston's "perpetual puppy" attitude made Mary Kaye's work a lot of fun(with a few frustrating moments) and gave a few judges a good laugh...and by the way, Boston will soon be appearing in European magazine advertisments having made his "debut" as a super model in a recent Central Park shoot in New York City. He and a group of other dogs were photographed by the internationally famous photographer David La Chapelle.
He even has his own agent!!!!
We do hope, however, before he wins his first Emmy, Tony, or Oscar that we see him first get a starring role in the Specials ring at shows. Not to mention, his role as Daddy to some upcoming breedings we have planned.
Congratulations Mary Kaye on your first Champion and way to go, Mr. Boston!!!!!

Our newest Champion, Ch. Madrigal's Ev'ry Little Breeze, is now home and getting ready to be cut down so she can join our beloved pack of companions....Louise is very happy to be back home and playing out in the yard....her sweet face and beautiful dark eyes are a joy to behold once again!!!

Little Lila's litter brother, Sampson, has become one of Demelza's favorite friends...who said puppies don't make a difference !!!

One more Best of Breed for Baby Lila at the Lakes Region show on July10, 2002 under toy expert Sandra Walker. As Yogi Berra would say, "it was deja vu all over again" as Mrs. Walker had given Lila's mother, Ch. Briden'sGivin' 'Em Attitude, a Best of Breed over the #1 Shih Tzu at that time, in1996 (Roll over picture to see Addie's pic). Sweet Lila Mae knows how to make her Mother happy and clearly from this picture...she's making her Daddy ecstactic.

Our little red and white spitfire, Lila(Madrigal's Whatever Lila Wants) set off her own fireworks on July 4, 2002 in Springfield MA at the Holyoke Kennel Club by beating an American Shih Tzu Club National Specialty class winning puppy among others to take Best Shih Tzu Puppy and then as the photo illustrates, taking a Puppy Group III under noted toy judge Etta Orenstein later in the day!!! This multiple Best of Breed puppy is well on her way to her Championship. But that wasn't Madrigal's only fireworks display on July4th!!! Our black and white Louise(Madrigal's Ev'ry Little Breeze) went Winner's Bitch and Best of Winner's and now is but 2 points from her AKC Championship. Both these girls are out of our adored Adelina, Ch. Briden'sGivin' 'Em Attitude...Louise and Lila will be Champions 2 and 3 for Addie.

Madrigal's Whatever Lila Wants (Lila Mae) takes Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite under Toy Judge Tom Baldwin June 16, 2002. Lila has made her debut with quite a splash!!!
Shown 6 times, she has won Winner's Bitch 5 times, and taken Best of Breed 3 times, once defeating the #4 Shih Tzu in the United States!!!! All from the 6-9 Puppy Bitch class!!!
Lila is a repeat breeding of Ch. Briden's Givin' 'Em Attitude and BIS Specialty Point Winning Am/Ca Ch. Seafal's Setting the Pace. This makes Lila a full sister to Madrigal's Johnny Loves Me.
Lila combines utterly sound skeletal structure with adorable type and attitude galore. The cleanliness of her front movement is a joy to behold. We look forward to having a Summer and Fall of fun in the show ring with this stunning puppy.
Madrigal Shih Tzu in the News


On Sunday, Sept 3, 2000, Ch. Madrigal's Wherever He Ain't, our own Mabel and the newest Champion at Madrigal, was awarded Best of Breed and went on to take a Toy Group 2 under judge Carolyn Herbel.
Mabel was surpassed only by the top winning Chinese Crested in the United States. Judge Herbel had many wonderful things to say about our young girl and predicts a bright and winning future for this bitch. Herbel commented on the fact that Mabel was the best moving Shih Tzu she has seen in many years!!!
Judge Robert Sharp, who gave her the Breed on Saturday and pulled her for the Group as well, placed her deliberately "fifth" in the Group the day before, she lost to four BIS winners. Mr. Sharp made it clear that this girl is someone he will keep an eye on!
At just 15 months old, Mabel combines superb reach and drive, dead level topline, gorgeous red/white color, and a correct head with wonderful bite.
We think she has everything to offer!!
Our greatest thanks to our handler, Tammy Lago, for doing such a superb job with Mabel and making our debut so auspicious!!!
Thank you Tammy!!!
More Madrigal Winners
August 23, 2000: Leah's puppies getting cuter by the day...and they're real hams to boot!!! This great picture recently placed in this year's Boston.com Pet Photo Contest '00.
Who's surprised!!!!
June 11, 2000: Leah's six new puppies, at six weeks old, chowing down on David's special puppy food....they also enjoy wearing some of the delightful concoction.
May 12, 2000: Mabel wins a FIVE point major!!!! She takes her first major, a stunning win at the Classic Toy Dog Club of Western Massachusetts' Toy Dog Show.
Breeder Judge: Cathy Pouliot awarded Mabel a FIVE point major in a field of fifteen bitches. Mabel went on to win Best of Winners and Best of Breed over a Special. To top that Mabel was chosen Best Puppy In Show, in a very competitive group!!!!!

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