Programming Language for Old Timers

by David A. Moon
February 2006 .. September 2008

Comments and criticisms to dave underscore moon atsign alum dot mit dot edu.

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Source Code Of The For Macro

The for macro defines a complex iteration statement. It is extensible through the use of the define-for-clause and define-for-result macros. The for-statement class provides for communication among these macros.

The features of the for statement are perhaps best explained through its source code and comments:

;; This class holds the state passed between the for statement and its extensions
defclass for-statement(macro-context, previous-context, scope)
  ;; The following five stacks collect information about the clauses.
  ;; The first three stacks must be maintained in parallel with each other.
  ;; The vars stack contains typed-variables, the rest contain expressions.
  ;; The vars are in scope in the steps and endtests, but not in the inits
  ;; and setup.  When the vars are advanced to the steps' values, all vars
  ;; are redefined in parallel.
  ;; The setup expressions are evaluated before anything else.
  vars     = stack()            ; iteration variables
  inits    = stack()            ; initial value expressions for vars
  steps    = stack()            ; next value expressions for vars
  endtests = stack()            ; true => continue iteration
  setup    = stack()            ; evaluated first

  ;; The following slots collect information from result statements.
  result-family          := false       ; to detect inconsistencies
  result                 := false       ; result to return
  _exit is name or false := false       ; exit function name
  exit is name read: _exit or           ; ditto, create on demand
                     _exit := name("for-exit", this.macro-context)

  ;; The following slots contain useful context
  macro-context    = macro-context
  previous-context = previous-context
  scope            = scope

;; Dictionary of all defined for result statements keyed by simple-name.
def *for-result-statements* = dictionary()

;; This is the skeleton of the for statement.
;; The clauses and result statements are all defined as extensions.
defmacro for =>

  ;; The for statement will be enclosed in a block, set up the corresponding
  ;; compiler scope before parsing

    ;; Create the object to hold the state for extensions.
    def state = for-statement(macro-context, previous-context,

    ;; Define the for clause parser, which works by calling extensions
    ;; defined by define-for-clause.  Unusually, it returns its results
    ;; by pushing them on the stacks rather than as ordinary values.
    def parse-for-clause(tokens, error?)
      def token = next-after-newline(tokens)
      if token is name
        ;; Look for an endtest clause defined by this name
        def parser = known-definition(name(#"parse-for-?(token)-endtest-clause", token))
        if parser is function
          parser(tokens, state)
          ;; Look for an iteration clause, starting with a typed-variable
          def var = parse-typed-variable(tokens, error?)
          if var
            def token = next-after-newline(tokens)
            ;; Look for an iteration clause defined by this name
            def parser = token is name and
                         known-definition(name(#"parse-for-?(token)-iteration-clause", token))
            if parser is function
              parser(tokens, var, state)
              wrong-token-error(tokens, "an iteration clause name")
      elseif error?
        wrong-token-error(tokens, "a variable name or an endtest clause name")

    ;; Define the available result statement extensions in the local scope.
    add-for-result-statements(state.scope, previous-context, state)

    ;; Now we are ready to parse the for statement and generate the code.
    defparser for-statement { ?clause is for-clause & ~^ , }+ ?:loop-body =>

      ;; Get the parts of the loop-body
      def body           = loop-body.body
      def result-1       = loop-body.result or `false`
      def cleanup        = loop-body.cleanup
      def exit-1         = loop-body.exit
      def cleanup-clause = cleanup and `cleanup: ?cleanup`
      def exit-clause-1  = exit-1 and `exit: ?exit-1`

      ;; Get the stuff defined by any result statements that were used
      def exit-2         = state._exit
      def exit-clause-2  = exit-2 and `exit: ?exit-2`
      def result-2       = state.result

      ;; Get the stuff defined by iteration and endtest clauses
      if state.endtests.length = 0 state.endtests.push := `true`
      def vars     = state.vars.bottom-up
      def inits    = state.inits.bottom-up
      def steps    = state.steps.bottom-up
      def endtests = state.endtests.bottom-up
      def setup    = state.setup.bottom-up

      ;; Put it all together
           { ^ ?setup }*
           def loop({ ?vars &, }*)
             if { ?endtests & and }*
               loop({ ?steps &, }*)
           loop({ ?inits &, }*)

    ;; Now invoke the locally defined parser to expand the macro
    ;; The true argument means report an error if it fails to parse
    parse-for-statement(tokens, true)

;; Subroutine to define the available result statement extensions in a local scope.
;; A result statement is available if its parser is in scope in the context of the
;; caller of the for statement.
;; This could be written using for but then it would depend on itself.
def add-for-result-statements(scope, previous-context, state)
  def state := start-iteration(*for-result-statements*)
  until end?(*for-result-statements*, state)
    def nam = next-key(*for-result-statements*, state)
    def fcn = next(*for-result-statements*, state)
    if known-definition(name(#"parse-for-?(nam)-result", previous-context)) eq fcn
      constant-definition(scope, name(nam, previous-context), macro(fcn(_, state)))
    state := advance(*for-result-statements*, state)

;; Define a for result statement which will be locally available inside a for
;; statement so long as the function defined here is in scope.
defmacro define-for-result ?:name ?:pattern \=> ?:block =>
  def stmt   = simple-name(name)
  def parser = name-in-context(#"parse-for-?(name)-result", previous-context)
     def ?parser(?=tokens is token-stream, ?=state is for-statement)
       def ?=macro-context = unique-macro-context()
     *for-result-statements*[#?stmt] := ?parser`

;; Define a for clause which will be available when the function
;; defined here is in scope.
;; An iteration clause starts with ? and the name for the typed variable
;; followed by the name of the clause and additional pattern.
;; An endtest clause starts with an ordinary name followed by additional pattern.
;; A clause parses itself into the stacks in the state.
defmacro define-for-clause
  \? ?:variable [ is typed-variable ] ?clause is name ?:pattern \=> ?:block =>
    ;; This is an iteration clause
    def parser = name-in-context(#"parse-for-?(clause)-iteration-clause",
    def possibilities = collect-pattern-starts(list(pattern))
    def err = `wrong-token-error(?=tokens, ?possibilities)`
    def expander = translate-pattern(`?=tokens`, pattern, block, err)
    `def ?parser(?=tokens is token-stream, ?variable is typed-variable,
                 ?=state is for-statement)
       def ?=macro-context = unique-macro-context()
  ?clause is variable ?:pattern \=> ?:block =>
    ;; This is an endtest clause
    def parser = name-in-context(#"parse-for-?(clause)-endtest-clause",
    def possibilities = collect-pattern-starts(list(pattern))
    def err = `wrong-token-error(?=tokens, ?possibilities)`
    def expander = translate-pattern(`?=tokens`, pattern, block, err)
    `def ?parser(?=tokens is token-stream, ?=state is for-statement)
       def ?=macro-context = unique-macro-context()

;; Define the "standard" for-clauses.  The user can define more.

;; Continue iterating while a test is true
define-for-clause while ?test => state.endtests.push := test

;; Continue iterating while a test is false
define-for-clause until ?test => state.endtests.push := `not ?test`

;; Set variable to initial-value first time, next-value thereafter
define-for-clause ?var = ?initial-value then ?next-value =>
  state.vars.push  := var
  state.inits.push := initial-value
  state.steps.push := next-value

;; Iterate over elements of a sequence
define-for-clause ?var in ?sequence [ key ?key is typed-variable ] =>
  ;; Set up a variable to hold the sequence being iterated
  state.setup.push := `def sequence = ?sequence`

  ;; Set up an iteration variable to hold the iteration state
  state.vars.push  := typed-variable(`state`, `$anything`)
  state.inits.push := `start-iteration(sequence)`
  state.steps.push := `advance(sequence, state)`

  ;; Set up an endtest to check if the iteration is exhausted
  state.endtests.push := `not end?(sequence, state)`

  ;; Define the variable(s) of iteration in an endtest so later
  ;; endtests will be able to see them
  def vardef = `def ?var = next(sequence, state)`
  def keydef = key and `def ?key = next-key(sequence, state)`
  state.endtests.push := `do

;; Iterate over an arithmetic range
;; Either an initial-value or a limit must be specified.
;; If there is no initial-value, it defaults to 0.
;; If there is no limit, there is no endtest.
;; The increment defaults to 1.  If downfrom, downto, or above
;; is used, the increment is subtracted, otherwise the increment is added.
;; The increment can be written before or after the limit.
;; The order of evaluation of initial-value, increment, and limit
;; is not guaranteed.
define-for-clause ?var [ { from | downfrom ??down } ?initial-value ]
                       [ { { to |
                             downto ??down |
                             below ??exclusive |
                             above ??down ??exclusive }
                           ?limit } |
                         by ?increment ]* =>
  if not initial-value and not limit
    error("Either an initial-value or a limit must be specified.")
  def variable      =
  def increment1    = if increment then `by` else 1
  def addsub        = if down then `-` else `+`
  state.vars.push  := var
  state.inits.push := initial-value or 0
  state.steps.push := `?variable ?addsub ?increment1`

  if increment          ;only evaluate increment expression once
    state.setup.push := `def by = ?increment`

  if limit
    state.setup.push := `def limit = ?limit`
    def op = if down
               if exclusive `>` else `>=`
               if exclusive `<` else `<=`
    state.endtests.push := `?variable ?op limit`

;; Define the "standard" for result statements.  The user can define more.

;; Immediately return from the for statement
;; Any following expressions are the values to return
define-for-result return [ ~^ { ?value & ~^ , }+ ] =>
  def exit = state.exit
  `?exit( { ?value &, }* )`

;; Add up numbers
define-for-result sum ?number =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #sum/count
    state.result        := `accumulator`
    state.setup.push    := `def accumulator := 0`
  else if state.result-family ~= #sum/count
    error("Cannot mix sum/count and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  def accumulator = state.result
  `?accumulator := ?accumulator + ?number`

;; Count the number of times a test is true
define-for-result count ?test =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #sum/count
    state.result        := `accumulator`
    state.setup.push    := `def accumulator := 0`
  else if state.result-family ~= #sum/count
    error("Cannot mix sum/count and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  def accumulator = state.result
  `if ?test ?accumulator := ?accumulator + 1`

;; Set result to minimum of occurrences of value
define-for-result minimize ?value =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #minimize
    state.result        := `accumulator`
    state.setup.push    := `def accumulator := false`
  else if state.result-family ~= #minimize
    error("Cannot mix minimize and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  def accumulator = state.result
     def temp = ?value
     if not ?accumulator or temp < ?accumulator
       ?accumulator := temp`

;; Set result to maximum of occurrences of value
define-for-result maximize ?value =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #maximize
    state.result        := `accumulator`
    state.setup.push    := `def accumulator := false`
  else if state.result-family ~= #maximize
    error("Cannot mix maximize and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  def accumulator = state.result
     def temp = ?value
     if not ?accumulator or temp > ?accumulator
       ?accumulator := temp`

;; Collect value into a collection that will be the result of the for statement
define-for-result collect ?value =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #collect/append
    state.result        := `collection-stack.bottom-up`
    state.setup.push    := `def collection-stack = stack()`
  else if state.result-family ~= #collect/append
    error("Cannot mix collect/append and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  ;; The first token of state.result is the name of the collection stack.
  ;; This assumes the sequence constructed by `...` is actually an array.
  def collection-stack = state.result[0]
  `?collection-stack.push := ?value`

;; Append elements of value to a collection that will be the result of the for statement
define-for-result append ?value =>
  if not state.result-family
    state.result-family := #collect/append
    state.result        := `collection-stack.bottom-up`
    state.setup.push    := `def collection-stack = stack()`
  else if state.result-family ~= #collect/append
    error("Cannot mix collect/append and " + state.result-family + " result statements.")
  def collection-stack = state.result[0]
  `append-to(?collection-stack, ?value)`

def append-to(stack is stack, value is sequence)
  def state := start-iteration(value)
  until end?(value, state)
    stack.push := next(value, state)
    state := advance(value, state)

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