Programming Language for Old Timers

by David A. Moon
February 2006 .. September 2008

Comments and criticisms to dave underscore moon atsign alum dot mit dot edu.

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Token Streams

A token-stream is a stream whose elements are tokens. In addition to implementing the stream protocol, it keeps track of the current indentation and of source locations in the form of source-file and line-number.

The token-stream pseudo-constructor function can be given an input-file, a string, or a sequence of tokens. Users could write their own subclasses of the abstract class token-stream and their own methods for the pseudo-constructor if they needed to.

The abstract subclass character-lexer includes all token-stream types that read from any source of characters and use the lexical syntax rules to construct tokens. It contains the code and tables that represent the built-in lexical syntax. The classes input-file-lexer and string-lexer are useful subclasses.

The subclass token-sequence-stream reads from a sequence of tokens; this is used when reparsing the result of macro expansion.

Single-token lookahead is performed by applying the next function to a token-stream. This returns the next token without advancing the stream, or returns false if the token-stream has reached the end of its input or has reached a parsing barrier. This can be a line break parsing barrier or an expression parsing barrier that enforces operator precedence and associativity.

Use the end? function to test if a token-stream has reached the end of its input or a parsing barrier.

When the end? function returns true for a token-stream, the next function is guaranteed to return false rather than having an undefined result as specified by the stream protocol. Thus false as a token is an end-of-file indicator.

Use the advance function to move past a token, as with any stream.

In addition to the functions next and advance of the stream protocol, token streams implement next-after-newline and advance-after-newline which allow peeking past a newline token to see the following token. If the next token is not a newline, these are the same as next and advance. The match functions described in the next section use these.

Use the current-indentation function to get the current indentation of a token stream, which is 0 when it is constructed. Use the current-indentation:= function to set the current indentation of a token stream.

Token-streams implement the source-locator protocol.

defprotocol token-stream is stream, source-locator
  next-after-newline(x is token-stream, result: token)
  advance-after-newline(x is token-stream)
  current-indentation(x is token-stream, result: indentation is integer
  current-indentation(x is token-stream) := new-indentation is integer

def token-stream(source is string, result: stream is string-lexer) ...
def token-stream(source is input-file, result: stream is input-file-lexer) ...
def token-stream(source is sequence, result: stream is token-sequence-stream) ...

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