Programming Language for Old Timers

by David A. Moon
February 2006 .. September 2008

Comments and criticisms to dave underscore moon atsign alum dot mit dot edu.

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Parsing Helper Functions

The following methods are useful helpers for parsing. Their names are in the compiler module (except for =).

(x is name) = (y is name)
Two names are equal if they must refer to the same definition when used in the same scope. In other words, their spellings are the same and their contexts are eq. If either name is a simple-name, = is the same as eq.

same-spelling?(x is name, y is name)
True if the two names' spellings are the same, ignoring alphabetic case. Use this to compare absolute particles.

punctuation?(x is name)
punctuation?(x is newline)
True if x is punctuation.

match?(x is name, ts is token-stream) is boolean
Look at the next token. If this token is a name and matches x using same-spelling?, advance the token-stream past this token and return true, else false. There are analogous methods for keywords and literals that compare with =.

match!(x is name, ts is token-stream) is boolean
Look at the next token. If this token is a name and matches x using same-spelling?, advance the token-stream past this token and return true, else call wrong-token-error. There are analogous methods for keywords and literals that compare with =.

match(x, ts is token-stream, error? is boolean) is boolean
Call match? or match! depending on error?.

match-bound-particle?(value, ts is token-stream) is boolean)
Look at the next token. If this token is a name and has a known definition of value, advance the token-stream past this token and return true, else false. This is how you match an optional bound particle.

match-bound-particle!(name, value, ts is token-stream) is boolean
Look at the next token. If this token is a name and has a known definition of value, advance the token-stream past this token and return true, else call wrong-token-error. This is how you match a required bound particle.

match-bound-particle(name, value, ts is token-stream, error? is boolean) is boolean
Call match-bound-particle? or match-bound-particle! depending on error?.

wrong-token-error(ts is token-stream, expected is anything)
Signal a parsing error. The error message indicates that expected was expected but next(ts) or token-after-newline(ts) was seen. The expected argument can be a string or a collection of names or strings. The ts argument also supplies the source-location.

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