These Comments Were Added In December 2004

Home Things We Cannot Afford  
  • Automobiles that use gasoline for fuel.
  • The incandescent light bulb.
  • Three month summer school vacations.
  • Inflated pensions because of excessive overtime.
  • High real estate prices.
  • SUV's.
  • Huge budget deficits.
When I was much, much younger it was right after World War II and The United States had the strongest economy in the world. Most of our goods were manufactured here and a man could get a job right out of high school in an American factory and would earn enough so that he could marry, have two children, buy a small house and an automobile. His wife did not have to go to work and could stay home to raise the kids.

As we all know, things are different today. Both parents have to work and at least one of them should have a college degree. Many advances have been made to supply us improved comfort and healthcare, but we have to pay dearly for them.

I ask myself: Could we have avoided the extreme pressures of today's way of life for most Americans? I think we could have if we had been smart enough to collectively see into the future and had taken steps that would have led to an easier life for most of us today.

Many things would have been out of our control and we would have had to tolerate them, but even then we "should" have been smart enough to see what was coming and take appropriate actions with regards to situations we could control. We did not do this.

What could we have done?

  • Oil used to be $4.00 a barrel, now it is over $40.00.  If we could go to the moon by 1969 we certainly should have had an automobile by now that does not depend upon oil for fuel.  Why not?  Special interests!
  • Most of us use the same incandescent bulb that was invented by Thomas Edison over one hundred years ago.  In fact, it seems to me that the bulbs I buy do not last as long as the ones tested by Edison.  90% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is wasted by the heat generated.  Just think of how many fewer power plants we could get along with if the efficiency of our light sources was raised to just 50%.
  • Our country was made up of mostly farmers over a hundred years ago and the children were needed on the farms to help out during the summer.  No more today.  The country could save a fortune if every four years of school were compressed into three.  Most people are working harder today than ever before with only two or three weeks vacation.  Teachers today are being paid very well and get tenure and huge pensions.  Three months vacation with pay and all those holidays during the year – come on!!!!
  • Then there are the government and public service jobs that have great pension benefits.  Nothing wrong with that, but when the recipients see to it that they get tremendous amounts of overtime in the years just prior to retirement just to raise their pensions way above a reasonable amount – that’s really milking the cow.  And who pays for those fantastic pensions?  The taxpayers of course!!
  • Now lets talk about real estate.  During World War II rents and prices were frozen to prevent excesses.  Well, after the war there was a tremendous increase in population (baby boomers) that drove the demand for living space way up out of proportion with a corresponding increase in prices.  Where was our government that should have done something to slow the upward spiral.
  • SUV’s: Now that’s a phenomenon.  Just when gas is getting more expensive we begin driving around in gas guzzlers that we can well do without.  SUV’s are being used as automobiles and are not subject to many of the laws passed to make cars safer.  The bumpers don’t match automobile bumpers and they are dangerous in collisions with cars.  They are really trucks that should be treated as trucks.  How come they are allowed on parkways where no trucks are allowed?  Just drive behind an SUV. 
  • Budget deficits.  OK!  The whole country is like a person who has spent up to the limit on all of his credit cards.  If he tries to get another one he has to pay more interest.  If he keeps living on borrowed money he eventually goes bust.  It’s happened before to countries.  The U.S. is not immune.

I could keep on writing and end up with a book larger than one of those Harry Potter 500+ page volumes.  Would anybody listen?  Probably not: Until they get hit over the head with something big that really screws up their way of life.  Whatever happens will take place very quickly.  We are like that big bird in Australia that tries to hide by putting just his head into the sand.  His rump is well exposed for kicking.






And Look What Happened!