Afternoon in Jaffo
Jaffo is right next to Tel Aviv, on the shore of the Mediterranean sea. You can actually walk from Jaffo to Tel Aviv along the seaside promenade, which Alex and I did in 1992. I remember then being amazed at the size of the aloe plants growing all along the boulevard. When I was growing up, every self-respecting Jewish grandmother had a potted aloe plant on her windowsill, to be used for various medical purposes. I imagined all these grandmothers who made an aliah at the turn of the century, when Tel Aviv was founded, bringing their little aloe pots with them and planting them outside -- and look what they've become after a hundred years...

Where Tel Aviv is essentually a modern city, Jaffo is old and picturesque. We spent a very pleasant afternoon with out friends exploring the old city streets and the port, and taking tons of pictures -- some of them below...

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