The Green Show
Dec 9 - Jan 20
A conceptual exhibition of paintings and sculpture from the Soviet Union exploring the socio-cultural significance of the color green as a paradigm of glasnost in Soviet life. The show, curated by art historian Margarita Tupitsyn, presented 21 Moscow artists, both established and emerging, many of whom have never exhibited in the U.S., who are pursuing similar theories in their work. Artists included were: Africa, Anufriev, Chuikov, Collective Actions, Fishkin, Gorokhovsky, Kabakov, Kozlov, Leiderman, Makarevich, Matrosov, Medical Hermeneutics, Nakhova, THe Peppers, Peppershtein, Pivovarov, Roiter, Voitsekhov, Volkov and Zaidel.
Comprehensive catalog with essays by curator Margarita Tupitsyn, and in order to understand the Russian perspective on this work we commissioned essays by Russian artists and theorists: Sergei Anufriev, Joseph Bakshtein, Andrei Monastyrsky, Pavel Peppershtein, Mikhail Ryklin, and a conversation between Victor and Margarita Tupitsyn.
Travels toDunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Canada
Mendel Art Gallery, Canada
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