Illegal America
March 3 - April 21
This historical show examines artists' work, 1930-1990, from the United States, Europe and Japan who in the process of making their work came into conflict with the law, challenging issues of legality and censorship. The show includes photo-documentation of the work with an artist statement and extensive written documentation of each incident, many of which continued as legal cases.
ArtistsVito Acconci
Gempei Akasegawa
Louis Aragon
Art Workers Coalition
Gunther Brus
Chris Burden
Gordon Matta Clark
Papo Colo
Bogomir Ecker
William Farley
John Fekner
Guerilla Art Action Group (GAAG)
Guillermo Gomez-Pena
John Giorno
David Hammons
Abbie Hoffman
Tehching Hsieh
Jay Jaroslov
Komar & Melamid
George Maciunas
Ann Messner
Richard Mock
Cesar Chavez
Peter Monnig
Charlotte Moorman
Charlotte Moorman
Paulette Nenner
Dennis Oppenheim
People's Flag Show
Real Estate Show
Carolee Schneemann
Dread Scott
Jack Smith
Krzysztof Wodiczko
Exhibit Archive | 89-90 Calender