Film Modernism and its Discontents: A Perspective From Paris
November 7 - 10
Dziga Vertov
Jean-Isidore Isou
Luis Bunuel
Rene Clair
Maurice Lemaitre
Alain Resnais
Bruce Connor
Jens Jorgen Thorsen
Gil Wolman
Rene VienetFilm Presentation
Curated by filmmaker and film historian Keith Sanborn, this historical program of films from the Lettristes, the Lettristes International, and the Situationist International presented these rarely-seen cinematic works in a context of their film antecedents and related film work produced during the French, German and Russian avant-garde cinema history.
In the post-war period in Paris, the Lettristes, the Lettriste International, and the Situationist International developed a critique of everyday life lived in the shadow of the media: a sustained interrogation of the role of cultural production in post-war western consumer culture. Through its relentless analysis and critique, the multi- media work of the SI raised issues and proposed responses that invigorated the creative landscape of the late 50s and early 60s, played a catalytic role in the uprisings of May '68 and remarkably, remain to this day central to the debates in contemporary art.
Exhibit Archive | 90-91 Calender