Andrea and David's Marzipan Recipe

This is simple and the taste is just right, not too sweet.

for each 8 oz slivered almonds you will need approximately
1/2 c powdered sugar (unsifted)
2T almond extract (Cook's is great)
2T rose water (can be found in Middle Eastern/Indian stores)

If this is your first try, here are some tips about using a flour mill.
-    Because our mill's hopper is rather small we found it's best to pre-process the
almonds in a food processor until they're the size of rice or wheat.
-    Almonds are very oily and will eventually clog up your mill. Oil, or any water
in your mill, will cause the almonds to turn into paste as it comes out.  This looks
great but it overheats the mill and your almonds will stop going through.  A good
cleaning method we've found is to run a handful of rice through the mill on a
slightly coarser setting after processing your almonds.
 -  Alternately you can use a coffee grinder that does espresso/turkish fineness.
You don't have to use the finest setting with that kind of coffee grinder.

Process the almonds in a flour mill on as close to the finest setting as you can get
away with.  Mix with the powdered sugar until well blended.  Add almond extract
and rose water while blending.  Take care with the last tablespoon - you don't
want the marzipan too wet (sticky) or too dry (crumbly).  However, the almonds
will absorb some of the fluid, so err on the side of dampness.  It should tack up
and pull cleanly away from the sides of the bowl just like pie dough.

We don't bother with making little fruit shapes and coloring them, we just grab
the stuff and stick it down our greedy throats.  If we're handing it out to people,
we roll it flat between sheets of wax paper and cut it into squares.  If you want
to do fruit molds, handle the marzipan as little as possible.

September 2002
