Here you will find information on a myriad of topics inclusive of our humble little nook in Southeastern Delaware County, PA.
You will learn about Folcroft's Open Space, the business community, neighborhoods,
reasons why you should move your business here, tax information and a slew of other useful tidbits.
We are minutes from the City of Philadelphia, either by car, train or bus.
We hope your experience with our website is as enjoyable as it is to live and conduct business within the Borough's boundaries.
Living in Folcroft affords suburban bliss with a city-like atmosphere. Minutes from Center City Philadelphia,
Folcroft posses its own public library and is home to the Delaware County Vo-Tech School.
Open space and recreation needs are met by the three parks within the Borough,
one of which shares a common border with the Federally owned John Heinz Wildlife Preserve.
Recreation is also provided by the Folcroft Boys and Girls Clubs, the Folcroft Swim Club and the Folcroft Senior Citizens.
Doing business in Folcroft is simple. Over 180 businesses already call Folcroft home.
The business is diverse, ranging from warehousing to trucking to personal service shops to car dealerships.
Folcroft truly possess an assorted business climate that can meet any need.
Here are some events that we will be holding over the Holiday Season.
First, on Saturday, November 22 from 11am-1pm at the Borough Hall Gym,
we will be holding an "Ornament Workshop" for all Borough resident children up to 10 years old.
Here they will be able to decorate their own ornament to place on our Holiday Tree. Which leads me to our next event.
Saturday, November 29, 7pm at the Clock Tower next to the Folcroft Library,
we will be having our first annual "Holiday Tree Lighting".
There, the children will be able to decorate the holiday tree with the ornaments they
made at the workshop and/or they can bring their own favorite ornament.
We will be singing holiday songs, a visit from Santa(bring camera if you want) and then a stop by
the Fire House for some Hot Chocolate and snacks and best of all this is Free for our Residents.
In order to make Saturday a huge success, we need your help.
On Friday, November 28 we will be decorating the tree and the Clock Tower area.
We will be starting at 8am, and will be there most of the day. It's a lot of work but well worth it!
If you would like to help by volunteering you can contact us via email @ folcroftweb@comcast.net;
or by calling the Borough Office at 610-522-1305. Please let them know it's about being a volunteer and leave contact information.
The name "Folcroft" is Old English for "leafy field,"
and was recorded first by the Pennsylvania Railroad in the early 1880's.
The Borough of Folcroft is governed by the laws of the Borough Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
As outlined in the Borough Code, the Borough Council is the legislative body.
The Folcroft Borough Council is responsible for policy within the Borough. Quite simply, they pass the law.
The Borough Council oversees the Finance and Administration Department and the Highway Department.
Under these two departments, all Borough business is conducted.
Bills are paid, trash is collected, building permits issued, and street light repairs are just a few examples of items that the Borough Council addresses.
The Mayor under the Borough Code is responsible for the administration of the Police Department.
Under the watchful eye of the Mayor, the nine members of the Folcroft Police Department protect and serve its citizens and business community.
Please join our Mailing List, this will be used only as a form of communicating information about what is happening in the Borough
©Folcroft Borough ©AWMANN