. . . no matter what happens to me
the moon will continue shining bright
in the night high above the trees . . .
Yes it would be exciting to go to Mars
two-to-three-year round-trip
depending upon how long you stay there.
Because the spacecraft could be assembled in space
at the ISS it could be big and spacious not
a simple capsule and therefore have more room
for all kinds of food and games, exercise equipment, etc.
Although space on board would still be at a premium
not room enough for everything you were accustomed to.
If I were 40 years younger
would be a mind-blowing adventure but these days
I need to psych myself up for the six-hour flight
to San Francisco to see the grandkids
and on JetBlue I have all the snacks I can handle.
Copyright 2022 by Michael Estabrook
Michael Estabrook is a published poet. His work is well received in varies online and printed anthologies. He resides in Massachusetts with his wife who he adores. Michael is the author of “Two Sides of The Same Coins.”