Ode to Concretion

An ode to concretion my father’s

Work-a-day forearms were

Their wealth and welter in repose

Like Sunday morning pantomimic precursors waiting

For the right place in time for

Their rhyme and showing

Hands like catcher’s mitts

Grasp pipe after pipe

Selection de-selection

Tip of tongue in corner of mouth felty wet

An imperceptible nod decides

Cutting twisting

Length and angle wooed

To matrimonial fit

Veins erupt

Consanguineous congregants

Enfolded in praise

Yes, a service to concretion his work was

An everyman’s infra-structure wonderfully made

Sinew-pipes towing for fluid to fluid flowing

A correspondent latent stratum formerly un-sublimate there-in

Now, in-laid glowing!

Copyright © 2016 by Mark Pidgeon