Amino Acid Tango
(to the tune of "Waterloo")
words by Frank Virzi
Well I know -
that the twenty amino acids have dif-er-ent side groups.
Amino -
that's the one with the nitrogen and the two hydrogen's bonded together until -
a carboxyl group brings an -OH
and then water goes slipping awa----y
Water in -
that's when hydrolysis splits 'em apart.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine into -
Water in -
that's when hydrolysis splits 'em apart.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine into
a peptide bond, oh
water out -
it's called a condensation reaction
The proteins -
they are all made up of the twenty amino acids.
Proteins -
are susceptable to a denaturing kind of a situation, that's why -
if the temperature started to rise
it begins to unravel and die.
Water in -
that's when hydrolysis splits 'em apart.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine into -
Water in -
that's when hydrolysis splits 'em apart.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine into
a peptide bond, oh
water out -
it's called a condensation reaction
if the temperature started to rise
it begins to unravel and die.
Water in -
that's when hydrolysis splits 'em apart.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine into -
wo, wo, wo, wo Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine in two.
Water out -
carboxyl and amino groups combine in two.