The Unicorn and the Frog

By Alyssa - as told to her daddy (12/1/98)

Once upon a time there was a unicorn and it lived in Rainbow Land. It was a kind of special place where unicorns lived. All kinds of unicorns lived there and there was this frog and it was in that land. And all of the unicorns were mean at the frog except there was this unicorn, and it was sad cause it was lonely. It was sad cause it didn't have no friends and she saw that frog. But the frog was mean to that unicorn cause the frog didn't know that the unicorn wasn't mean. But the unicorn wasn't mean so the frog changed its mind to be nice to the unicorn. So the unicorn was happy. So they wanted to play.
They played tag but the unicorn always wins at tag to catch the frog. The frog didn't like that. The frog went to the magician. The frog asked the magician to make him faster. One day the frog and the unicorn were going to play tag. First frog was "it". Frog was getting faster. The unicorn went to the magician. The unicorn asked the magician to be faster and to be more faster than anything in the whole wide world even the frog. The other day after that day the frog was faster, they were playing tag. That day the unicorn was "it". But the unicorn was faster than anything and the frog didn't know that unicorn was "it" so frog said "you're it!". But the unicorn was faster so frog went to play all by his self in his very own clubhouse.
He was playing in it. He was getting bored but he didn't want someone to play with . So the unicorn maked some friends. It didn't even know the frog anymore. So the unicorn had a friend and her name was Lucy. She catched a cold so the unicorn went to his mom to say "What is a cold?" And its mom said, " it's when you don't feel good and it's something you could eat something that's bad for you. So the unicorn said that to all its friends and one day the unicorn catched the cold. The unicorn wasn't feeling so good The unicorn asked it's mother "did I catch the cold?". And it's mother said "maybe you catched the cold". The unicorn went to bed.
The frog was going to try to make a friend but he didn't find no frog in Rainbow Land and then he saw a frog. His name was Diamond. The frog didn't like Diamond cause he had a name and it was a girl name. Diamond saw the frog. Diamond was going home but the other frog was lost. Diamond tried to help the frog but he just runned away.
The next morning the unicorn felt better. She was galloping trying to find the frog. But she gotted lost. Frog and the unicorn bumped into each other. They made friends again.
They were walking home and they saw some scary footprints. They heard a wolf. They thought the footprints were the wolf's feet. The wolf saw the unicorn and the frog. They were scared. They saw the wolf. The wolf was chasing them. Then the unicorn had idea. So they hid. They they found a rope and a blanket. It was white. They even find a needle. They both had the same idea. So they taped the white blanket and then poked a hole through the blanket. One for the nose two for the eyes and one ghost scaredy smile. The frog had a other idea. He found a rock and he found a other blanket. Even he found a person and it was another unicorn. It was a sad unicorn because his horn was stuck in a tree. They pulled and pulled and pulled until it came out of the tree. All of them were friends. One of them found a rope and since they already made a ghost and didn't want to scare anyone else they even wanted to scare the wolf. they sneaked up on the wolf and they tied the wolf's legs up and they put a weight by the wolf's head. Then they scared him he was rolling and then bump! He hit his head on the weight. And then the wolf got untied and then he was running away.
The frog and the unicorn and Diamond and the other unicorn saw their houses. Their parents saw them. And they lived happily ever after.

The End

cyan colored text typed by Alyssa with some spelling help from dad

Go see The Curious Kitten

Alyssa's Bedtime Stories
All material copyright 1998 by Alyssa

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