Educational Enhancement Programs

Study Strategies:

This program provides direct instruction to all GMS students in basic study skills and strategies such as:

Mrs. Gail Thibodeau and Mrs. Dolores Callegher provide the instruction along with 6th grade teachers. Teachers in all grades and subjects reinforce the skills and strategies and help the students apply them to their assignments.

Reading and Writing Reinforcement:

Individual and small group instruction in basic reading and writing skills is provided for students who are judged to be in need of extra help in these areas. Students are recommended for this program based on their test scores and their classroom performance. Students are scheduled to attend extra help sessions up to three times per week during their on-team period, the instruction is provided by Mrs. Thibodeau.

Homework Club:

Rocky Hill High School Honor Society students provide academic assistance to any interested student beginning in October. The club operates on Tuesday and Thursday and runs from 2:30 until the late bus. Mrs. Dolores Callegher coordinates the club by matching GMS students with strengths that each high school student has.