You are a big important college.
I am a short Artsy girl from Manhattan.
I am aware that now a days there is a surplus of short artsy girls from Manhattan applying to you because you are after all a big important college. But I would like to say, I am different.
Now I know you've received 1,000 applications saying "I'm different because I got my nose job at 15 instead of 17 and thus am a better person"
" The first time I maxed out a credit card I learned a valuable lesson"
"I like to think I paint in the style of Mon-et" (pronounced Mooooan-Et)
But unlike those girls the life lessons I learned have not been found on the other side of a doctors carving knife or the dutiful eye of a sales person working on commission. Besides having climbed Mt. Everest at 5 years old I also worked as a seeing eye person for blind puppies, and sew sweaters for needy trees.
That and my spelling is atrocious.
But enough about me.
I am aware you can find some pretty nasty things if you search my web page long enough. I even considered not mentioning its existence, since you the big important college might not like mean things being said about any school let alone my school. Most commonly asked questions concerning BS! (a.k.a Boarding School) are:
Q: Do people at Kent know about this web page?
A: Yes they do and they get a good chuckle out of it. It's more of an underground student thing.
Q: Do you hate Kent?
A: No! NOOooooo! I simply have the same feelings as any teenager about high school and found this is a great way to vent. I love Kent, and I'm very school spirited. I'm part of our Thursday Diversity group which is a hand picked lot of students who basically just want Kent to be a better place for everyone.
Ever see X-Files the movie? Well Diversity Group is kinda like the secret gang of old white men who REALLY control the government.
Student Council?
We make life better for all the kids, fight racism, sexism, and everything else that's yucky.
Q: Do you go off the topic often?
A: Yes, very much so.
So listen Big important college. I really, really want to get into you. Have fun at my site, and a few good laughs.
And don't worry about me,
I'll be waiting here come snow, rain, or Y2K
for that nice big thick envelope that shows how much you know I love you