Jazz For Peace
featuring Rick DellaRatta
to perform benefit concert in NYC for



on Sat. July 17th at 7:00pm

Purchase your tickets now or support this event and help us raise money by Sponsoring your ticket(s) for a student or financially distressed adult by typing "Sponsored" in the comments box:

**Purchase advance tickets now online at 
and save 20%!**

Jazz For Peace featured in the current issue of

Click here to view the pictures of our sold out concerts

Jazz For Peace Concert's featuring Rick DellaRatta continue with a special benefit concert forWorldFriendshipPlace on Sat. July 17th at 7:00pm at the Hotel Stanford - Maxim Lounge 43 West 32nd Street, New York, New York.  For details and to purchase advance tickets online for a 20% discount please go to www.JAZZFORPEACE.org  or call 212-947-1104 for reservations.

Jazz For Peace featuring Rick DellaRatta has been featured on the cover of UPWARD, the feature article insert of BIG NEWS which is distributed widely in the streets and subways of New York City as well as Albany, NY.

WorldFriendshipPlace's Mission:


WorldFriendshipPlace, through a collaboration of partners, provides funds, health care and treatment supplies, equipment, facilities, expertise, and environmentally synergistic food development systems for indigent people worldwide - particularly children - through appropriate UN Agencies and welcoming UN member governments.

Developing a worldwide spirit of dialog and collaboration,WFP bridges language and cultural barriers to deploy medical supplies, technology and information. And it can help to achieve an understanding and appreciation of each other's needs on a person to person level. Utilizing newest XML Internet technology developed especially for these purposes, WFP provides access to interactive health care software information for use by health care providers to assure excellent health care treatment for all people everywhere.

These programs, in conjunction with World Lingo international translation organization, brings information and people together in novel ways to share a common bond as a single humanity.

Rick DellaRatta was invited to lead a band consisting of: 'Israeli, Middle Eastern, European, Asian & American' Jazz musicians in a concert inside the United Nations, for an international audience. Rick named this band:

"Jazz For Peace"

Jazz for Peace's mission is to help advance people to their highest potential through the understanding of Jazz as well as spreading peace through our "Jazz For Peace Concerts" worldwide - joining forces (or performing) with multi-cultural musicians to spread peace through the art form of Jazz and entering regions that are politically controversial. By the means of live concerts, video taping, on hands/on-line teaching as well as supplying musical instruments to underprivileged children in under developed areas worldwide, Jazz for Peace will re-enforce what past history has proven - that the art form of Jazz has the ability to create a positive effect that unites people and may eventually start to transform the barriers and issues of different cultures and beliefs.
For more information please visit www.jazzforpeace.org

Recent Quotes:
"Rick DellaRatta is one of the finest Jazz pianists alive." --Savannah Times

"It is actually the quality of DellaRatta's voice that grows on me more & more with repeated listenings. At first I felt that Rick's strengths as a pianist were foremost, but with time I have come to understand that Dellaratta's skill as a vocalist is not to be underestimated. "His voice has quite a haunting quality to it, being slightly androgenous in tone, sometimes ghostly.... sometimes sexy." --Jen Karpin, Green Mtn Jazz Messenger

".....sure it will be a good show." --New York Times Jazz Forum

All rights reserved. Jazz Now July 2004 issue

Jazz Now Interactive July 2004 Vol 14 No. 3 - Table of Contents

Comments: jazznow@sbcglobal.net