Mike Marshall

& Choro Famoso

AM 1009 2

Mike Marshall, mandolin; Carlos Oliveira, nylon string guitar; Andy Connell, clarinet, soprano saxophone; Michael Spiro, percussion; Brian Rice, percussion (tracks 8, 9 and 10); Jamie Bell, nylon string guitar; Harvey Wainapel, clarinet, soprano saxophone; Aaron Johnston, surdo; Dennis Broughton, pandeiro; Steve Robertson, tamborim; Carlos Oliveira, seven-string acoustic guitar.

Some sparkling sounds and easy listening from Choro Famoso coupled with the excellent mandolin playing of Mike Marshall. This Brazilian music is never allowed to drop its tempo, the reed playing of Andy Connell is light and airy, and the nylon string guitar of Carlos Oliveira blends perfectly.

In the last three tracks it changes from a quintet to a septet, adding more rhythm and lifting the pulse accordingly. "Noites Cariocas" (Carioca Nights) starts the run with Harvey Wainapel giving a good account on soprano saxophone, and "Nao Me Toques" (Don't Touch Me) is a delightful scamper. A forty-minute CD that is refreshingly light and uplifting.

by Ferdinand Maylin

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