Steve Hancoff

The Single Petal of a Rose

Duke Ellington for Solo Guitar


Steve Hancoff, guitar.

Eighteen tracks of music from the greatest of all Jazz composers; played with masterful elegance by the enormously gifted Steve Hancoff. Ellington's chord structures are among the most satisfying to play; becoming richer and more meaningful at each playing. Steve gives as much justice as can be done by one instrument to the Duke's music. "The Gal From Joe's" swings and crackles along with such bounce, one might easily overlook the complexity of it's structure. From the lyrical title song to the fast moving "The Creeper", then on to an aching, delicately chord structured "Meloncholia", Steve tackles it all with panache and style. Swinging deep and with great flourish in a fine arrangement of "Grievin'". The alive and moving "Star Crossed Lovers", the Duke's take on Romeo and Juliet, is a delight. Steve has also thoughtfully included details in the liner notes of the birth of each track. For those interested in Duke Ellington, this is a great bonus, and helps to round off a superbly played album.

by Ferdinand Maylin

New Sounds - October 2004

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Copyright Jazz Now, October 2004 issue, all rights reserved Haybert K. Houston, Publisher Editor in Chief, Jazz Now

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