Marty Namaro



Marty Namaro, composer, piano, drums, percussion; Aleksander Sternfield-Dunn, bass; Kenny Pexton, tenor and soprano saxophone.

Canadian Marty Namaro has written some interesting music for this CD. Based on his own play about books he ran into trademark laws and had to change the titles, which often reflects a certain coldness and distance that does not do the music justice. Playing a mixture of Jazz, Latin and blues, Namaro also displays a fine emotional strength in his writing; the first three tracks offer depth, tenderness and very easy listening. "Time Travel Sequence" and "Strange Beings of Futurity" is a two-part suite that explores time travel to good effect; Kenny Pexton enters on saxophone for the first time to expand its theme, and Aleksander Sternfield-Dunn on bass adds significantly throughout. His music makes strong statements; it takes moral stands, it is indignant, thoughtful, hurtful, colorful and expressive. An exposition of how Namaro feels about life. He does go on a bit in his liner notes; perhaps briefer explanations would be more appropriate; the music can quite happily speak for itself. He should consider writing atmospheric film scripts; we shall hear more from this man.

by Ferdinand Maylin

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