Jazz Now

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Haybert King Houston

Production Manager

Stella Cheung Houston


Managing Editor

Patricia A. Houston-Washington


Eastern United States Editor

Lucy Galliher

Blues Editor

Dorothy Hill

London Editor

Al Merritt

Scotland Editor

Ferdinand Maylin


Contributing Writers

Lawrence Brazier, Austria

Kenneth Egbert, New York

David Heyman, California

Kate Kaiser, California

Dan Kind, California


Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

e-mail: jazznow@sbcglobal.net


Travel Consultant

Eyes around the World Travel Agency
Ernestine Harper, Chicago, IL
Tel: 773.224.7078 · Fax: 773.224.8256

Jazz NowTM ISSN 1067-5213, The Jazz World Magazine. Copyright November 2004, Volume 14, Number 7, Jazz NowTM Magazine is created in the United States. Business address: Post Office Box 19266 Oakland, California 94619-0266, U.S.A. E-mail: jazznow@sbcglobal.net. The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the writers and are not dictated by any editorial policy. All contents copyright November 2004, Volume 14, Number 7, Jazz NowTM Magazine. All rights reserved. The Jazz NowTM trademark was established November 1987 in Oakland, California. The periodical's name and logo and the various titles and headings herein are registered trademarks of Jazz Now. Back issues of the print magazine: $5.00. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or artwork. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Contact address: Jazz NowTM Post Office Box 19266, Oakland, California 94619-0266. Jazz NowTM reserves the unrestricted right to edit and to comment editorially on all subject matter received or accepted for publishing. Jazz NowTM offices are located in the Jazz NowTM Building at 3733 California Street, Oakland, California 94619-1413.

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Copyright Jazz Now, November 2004 issue, all rights reserved