Jean Luc Ponty

Live at Semper Opera

JLP Productions Inc.

Jean Luc Ponty, five string electric violin; William Lecomte, keyboards; Guy Nsangue Akwa, electric bass; Theirry Arpino, drums; Moustapha Cisse, percussion.

Jean Luc Ponty, veteran pioneering Jazz violinist recorded this CD at Semper Opera, Dresden in Germany, live and without dubbing; he says it is the most acoustic of his three live albums. The opening track "Imaginary Voyage; Infinite Pursuit" uses an ostinato effect that gives it a repetitive feel, but it opens out gradually, becoming more intricate when Ponty enters with his fine toned five string electric violin. There is also a noticeable African influence, with Mousstapha Cisse on percussion and Guy Nsangue Akwa on bass. "Mouna Bowa" is the first track that restricts itself to some straight forward swing by Ponty; he has a clear, precise tone and a sizzling technique, the whole band is articulate and inventive, this track is great fun. With tracks that carry words in the titles like "Imaginary", "Infinite", "Mirage" and "Enigmatic" it is no surprise that the music is often atmospheric, complex and electronic in form. This is world music and fusion that shimmers and spirals. This is music for the connoisseur.

by Ferdinand Maylin

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