Letters to the Editor

We welcome letters to the editor via mail, fax, or e-mail. Letters may be edited for length and clarity and must include your name, address, and phone number (for confirmation only).

Letters: Jazz Now, P. O. Box 19266, Oakland, CA 94619-0266

Fax: 510.530.0291 or E-mail: jazzinfo@jazznow.com

Dear Stella:

I just wanted to thank you properly for the wonderful writeup you did for our evening at Stars. We appreciate it so much and, it was very well written! (Naturally I am overwhelmed by your generous comments about me). Great. See you quite soon. Love to all from Gini Wilson.

Thank You! Thank You!

This is just a note to thank you for reviewing my CD, Sea of Dreams. It was a very flattering review of my music, and I appreciate Mr. McElfresh's compliments and comparisons of my music. I would hope that you could thank him for me. It is refreshing to have someone appreciate my music after putting a great degree of effort and energy (not to mention money) into the development of the music. Again thank you very much for listening.

Vern Thompson

Jazz Now Magazine -- July 1999 Issue