Enjoy your retirement Haybert, Lord knows you've earned it. I will miss Jazz Now. Your magazine was very supportive of Jazz artists. Not to worry, you and your entire staff created very good karma, both individually and collectively.
Within the next two or three years, I believe I'll show up on the cover of one or more Jazz publications. Right now, I'm the only drummer that can play Free Jazz with high energy. Our recent performance at the Knitting Factory will be available in the near future via their Liquid Audio format. Once fans download that show, word of mouth should become very active.
You have my eternal thanks for being the first Jazz magazine to interview yours truly. Thank you.
Marc Edwards
Thank you for the nine years you gave to the Jazz community. I so much enjoyed meeting you and all the fun we had when you came to my gigs. Your magazine will be missed. Please keep my CDs in Jazz Now Direct. I appreciate it.
Gini Wilson
The Dutchess
Thanks for the back issues of Jazz Now. I enjoyed the article on Noel Jewkes and John Patton in the November 1995 issue.
I was sadden that the March 2000 issue would be the last print issue of Jazz Now. However I wish you the very best and hope that all of your plans prove prosperous and realized.
Stephen Troyanpvich
Florence, New Jersey
How quickly time passes and accomplishments pile up. I am sure giving up the print issue of Jazz Now will be both a withdrawal and a relief. Good job and enjoy your achievements and future.
Bob Rusch
Cadence Magazine
Redwood, New York
I received word today that you are planning to retire in the near future and Jazz Now magazine will be closing.
As leader and on behalf of the Somers Dream Orchestra, I would like to extend our sincere "thanks" for what you and your wonderful magazine did to promote our CD, A Mid-Somers Night Dream. Our CD has received "open ears and arms." World wide thanks to the kind words you wrote about us! To say "Haybert Houston" put the Somers Dream Orchestra on the JAZZ map is correct! Thank you from all eighteen of us!
The magazine where the "J" in Jazz is always a capitol "J!" We will always remember what you did to support our orchestra and the art of JAZZ!
Thank you again and best wishes always. Enjoy your retirement! If you're ever in the New York City area please call us at 1-800-465-BAND. We would love to meet you for dinner (on us) and then visit all those great Jazz venues in NYC!
With all our love, GOD Bless You, Haybert Houston.
We will miss you.
John M. Somers, Leader
Somers Dream Orchestra
I know that our band leader, John Somers - the Somers Dream Orchestra, wrote to you to wish you well in your retirement, and I am doing the same.
The Somers Dream Orchestra wouldn't be where it is today if not for you! We all appreciate everything you have done for us more than we can ever say.
I'm sure we would like to stay on the Jazz Now interactive pages, and in the CD catalog. When you want more copies of our CD, just let me know.
If you come to New York, please don't hesitate to look us up, maybe then you can hear the band in person!
We are planning another CD, and would like to know if you might be interested in comentary for liner notes, etc, like on our first one. It will be next fall before we are ready for that, but please keep us in mind. We'd love to have you involved in any way you would like to be!
Again, best wishes from all of us on your retirement! We'll do our best to keep the music playing - just the way you like it - the way it should be!
Philip Jones, Producer/Trombonist
The Somers Dream Orchestra
My name is Keaton Douglas and I'm the vocalist with the Somers Dream Orchestra. I and my fiance, Wayne Dunton, the drummer with SDO, wish to thank you for all you've done for the Orchestra, and to wish you well on your retirement. The exposure you gave us was invaluable. We'll have many great things to thank you for. All the best in the future.
Keaton Douglas and Wayne Dunton
Francesca (Nemko) told me a while ago that you were intending to stop putting out the magazine, and then I got the official notice with the check from the CD Store (for which I thank you).
The end of the print magazine will be a great loss to many of us; it has been a big part of the local Jazz community. However, I respect and support whatever the right decision is for the two of you. I know how much work it has been all these years to keep the magazine going. I hope you will get some time now to kick back and enjoy yourselves!
Of course I want to continue listing my CD with the Jazz Now Direct CD Store. And although I don't use the web much, I'll try to check in with Jazz Now Interactive.
All my best to both of you. And please -- keep giving the parties!!!
To the peoples of Jazz Now and Mr. Kenny Polson
Thank you very much for your review of my CD. Your views are very importants for me! Excuse my English.
Thank you VERY, VERY, VERY, MUCH !!!!!!!!
Sergio Cleto
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