Frankye Kelly

The Night is Young

(MIV 28) Recorded live at Kimball's, San Francisco

Our Day Will Come
Mood Indigo
The Night is Young
Lullaby of Rirdland
I'm Glad There is You
No Moon At All
Speak Low
Love for Sale
If Trouble Was Money (59.12)

Frankye Kelly (vocal); Steve lleckman (soprano sax, tenor sax); Dee Spencer (piano); Mark "Hashima" Williams (bass); Zim Rob Braye (drums); Yancie Taylor (vibraphone)

This recording comes from the "show-biz" end of the Jazz strata. Frankye has a strong voice with an attractive timbre in the lower register, which she pushes to extremes in a quasi Carmen/Sarah style.

The program is what you come to expect from the supper club entertainer all tried and true standard songs delivered in an outgoing manner. Unfortunately the musicians suffer from the poor sound balance of the recording. The drums are sonorous and upfront, the bass is barely audible and the piano is generally in the background. Saxophonist Steve Heckman, who is prominent in the recording, does well with the many opportunities he is given.

Care in production and a better recording balance would have made this CD more acceptable.

by Al Merritt
UK Jazz
London England

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