Swing (The Essential Listening Companion)
by Scott Yanow
Third Ear Productions - Miller Freeman Books.
(ISBN (0-87930-600-9)
Author Scott Yanow has approached his subject from a novel standpoint separating the history of Swing Music with informative chapters embracing the major bands, musicians and vocalists who formed the basis for the success of the music. With each member mentioned is a rundown of their most important recordings and those rare recordings with extra value, which the reader is advised to seek out. Later chapters include in index of players concerned in the period, the cause and effect of the decline of the phenomena in the section marked "After the Swing Years" and the modern reappearance of Swing under the title of "Retro" which looks at the current and future possibilities of public acceptance of the music.
Scott, a highly experienced and diligent Jazz writer, who was a columnist for Jazz Now magazine, has produced a work which will provide essential knowledge of the subject plus the many valued assessments of available discs being of great interest to both students and historians alike.
Undoubtedly there are omissions of some prominent musicians in the genre, but as there are future related guides to follow, it may prove presumptuous to draw attention to them at this time.
I found this volume to be informative and factual, and I look forward to the future writings of Mr Yanow.
by Al Merritt
U.K. Jazz
London, England
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