Like any human around the world, I have fears. Every human around the world has a fear because fear is a human emotion, and every human has emotions. One of the fears I had when I was a little kid, as irrational as it sounds, was being in the kitchen when my parents were going up the stairs to our apartment.
running (10K) Every time I heard a THUMP or some footsteps and I was in the kitchen, where the back door was, I would run away and hide. I did not run to a specific room. I would just run to any room and hide. I would feel very scared. I would think 'When will this end? Is that monster going to harm me?' I did not know what monster was or what it would do to me, but I just imagined that a monster was coming. Then I see it is just my Mom and Dad.
This is how I ran

childhide (9K)I don't know why I ran and hid. Maybe I did not realize that they were gone at the time and maybe I thought it was a monster. As soon as I realized it was just my Mom and Dad, I was filled with relief. But after the first time I find out that it was just my Mom and Dad coming through the door, I still thought a monster was coming up the stairs the times after that. I don't know why I did this repeatedly. I had this fear when I was little so don't laugh. Maybe I was afraid of the noise. As I grew older, I outgrew this fear. I do not know is how I overcame this fear. Maybe overtime I gained common sense and said to myself 'No monsters are coming. It's just my Mom and Dad.'
This is how I would hide

monster (11K)Maybe the fear just died as I got older and as time went by. If what I was afraid of was the noise, maybe I thought to myself 'It's just noise. It won't hurt me.' All I know is that I over came this fear and that I do not run from the kitchen when I am in it and my Mom and Dad are coming up the stairs any more.
One of the monsters I was scared of

I may not fear noises coming from the stairwell, but it is only natural that I have other fears today, and I do. Another fear I have is Barney the Purple Dinosaur. This may seem like a joke, but I am serious. The things I fear about Barney the Purple Dinosaur is his god awful tone of voice and how patronizing he can be. As you can probably guess, though, I liked him when I was 4 or 5, but now that I am 14, I am scared of him like a lot of other teenagers are scared of him.

It is not shaming to have a fear, so there is no need to keep your fears secret. I am not ashamed to tell others my fears. My fears tell people who I am by saying what I would not like to see.