When I was in pre-kindergarten, I started having brain seizures. This happened repeatedly and got so bad that I had to stay in the hospital for an EEG and spend the night there. I only spent 12 hours there, so I did not miss much. When I got out of the hospital, I was prescribed with a red gel pill called Zarontin.
zarontinBack then, I did not know how to swallow, so my parents made me practice with M&Ms. I did not have much of an opinion because I was little and did not talk much. As you could probably guess, I would eat them instead of swallowing them with water.

EEG (24K) Eventually, my parents decided it was time to try raisins. I did not like the taste of raisins, but I used them to learn how to swallow a pill. Thanks to the raisins, though, I know can take pills without any fear. Then about 3 years ago, a neurologist said it was time to stop my medication, so now I don't take the pill anymore. I do, however, take vitamins and a pill that keeps me alert. Though it may not seem so, this is a good skill to have, because if you don't want to taste something bad, you won't have to when you swallow. This memoir chapter tells people what kind of person I am by telling others the kind of experiences I had to face.