Okay, due to some icky work relatedness, some images may or may not be showing up. Hold on while I get my hosting organized.
Coming soon...vacation pics from Florida! And maybe a picture of Madison, if you're lucky.
Saturday, August 24, 2002
Congratulations to my stepsister Sarah and her husband Eric...their daughter, Madison Page (or is it Paige) was born at 11:55 pm on August 23rd (that's last night). Maddy weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and 19 inches.
Monday, August 12, 2002
Coming soon...more pictures of the apartment, and Matt's hair in cornrows.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
I took some more pictures of the new apartment. I love this one. Matt is trying to sort through our immense mountain of books.

This is a pile of those books. Much bigger in real life.

Here is another shot of a partially completed bookcase. We put all the children's books we have on the bottom two shelves. The middle is reserved for the extensive National Geographic collection. And for some reason, all our horror books go up top. Because H.P. Lovecraft and Disney go together...or something.

Here, at last, is a shot of our tiny bathroom. The glare is horrible, and so is the angle. Just take my word for it - it's small.

Tiny sink, tiny tub, and *drumroll* the scum buster. There, on the sink. My favorite cleaning tool ever!

This is a picture of the kitchen...yes it is a little fuzzy, but I wanted to show the gas stove (which I'm excited about) and also a cameo appearance by the world's best popcorn bowl.

Another blurry picture...oh well. This is our new DVD rack and CD shelves. And our very empty living room. You can't tell, but this is BEFORE we cleaned the windows.

Here's a pile of my stuff in the computer room. Gosh, I have a lot of stuff.

In this picture you can actually see *gasp* a computer. Wow, this computer room is starting off on the right foot.

There is the object of a love-hate relationship. I am very excited to have to have it...but I hated helping Matt get it in the apartment. Ouch. By the way, it is actually level now. It's not in this picture.

Phew. So, that's the update of the apartment. It's already out of date...the computer room has alot more stuff in it, and so do the closets! We are sooooo ready to just live there!
Monday, July 22, 2002
More apartment stuff! I need to get the rest of the pictures up. This pic is of one of our approximately 8 million closets. It is a trifle over exposed, but they just painted everything last week, so it really is almost this white in real life.
This is, yes, another closet. Matt REALLY liked taking pictures of the closets. That is why I have 3 closet pictures, and no bathroom pictures. Sometimes he is such a strange guy. This is the 3 in 1 closet. You look in the closet, see the cupboards (the picture of those is right below) and then you see another door. You open that door, and voila! A closet within a closet. But hey, what is that door to your right? Is it? Why, yes it is! Another closet. They are nesting closets! (but they are small, its not QUITE as exciting as it sounds...but still cool)
Here are the very cool cupboards that are in one of the closets. Hopefully these drawers will aid in the organization of my, er drawers. And other stuff. Yeah.
This is the 82% exciting fridge. I say that because my eyeball measurements show that it is about 82% of the size of the current fridge. But, look how many sides are exposed to put magnets on! How exciting.
Another exciting kitchen feature is....drum roll please....the fold down full sized ironing board!!!! *there was much rejoicing* This is a picture of the ironing board in the wild, in a state of rest, comfortably nestled in a hole in the wall. Don't knock on the door. The ironing board hates to be woken up so early.
This may or may not be the computer room. I'm pretty sure that it is, but if it isn't, well, then its the bedroom. We have 2. *yay* I've got two bedrooms. *yay*
For all of you on dial-up connections, I'm truly sorry. This is VERY image intensive. Including this lovely shot of the space in our kitchen with the washer/dryer hook ups. Its okay if you sigh in awe. Really, I won't laugh.
And lastly, here is the living room. I think it's actually a trifle smaller than the dining room, but it still looks like it could hold a few couches, a tv, and the playstation. Perhaps even a bookshelf or 8. I only have 200 bookshelves, you know. Oh, and that lovely lady is our landlady. I would like to reassure you that our ceilings are not 18 feet high. The landlady is just a little short. Did you notice the ceiling fan? If we're ever on trading spaces I'm sure that Hildy will take it down and put a truly hideous lamp in its place.
and so ends the kind of mixed up, kind of backwards virtual tour. hope you've enjoyed yourselves, and kept all limbs inside the vehicle. the park is not responsible for any accidents that may have occured on the ride, particularly finger damage from clicking the stop button on your browser. (dear god there are too many pictures i can't take it stop loading stop loading!!!!!!)
Friday, July 19, 2002
This is one of the bedrooms. To be honest, I'm not sure whether its the computer room or the bedroom. The cable jack is in the computer room, and the cable jack isn't in any pictures. So just admire my hardwood floors and my lovely radiator that makes me think of cuckoo clocks.
Thursday, July 18, 2002
I'm going to start putting up pics of the new apartment.
Here's the dining room!
One of the nice things about it is that it's huge, it has windows (they're on the left in this pic, out of frame), hard wood floors and....that adorable little built in hutch thing.