Aircraft Serial Number Search


This form allows you to search for a USAF aircraft by its serial number or description. You may use the tail portion of the serial number, if that is all that you know. Capitalization matters in the description field, as does the placement of the dash. At least one of the fields must be filled in. Aircraft records from 1922 to the present are searched.
Serial Number: Examples: 51-11012, 51-1012, 1-1012, 1012
Description: Examples: F-84G, Thunderjet, NASA
Source: Joe Baugher's USAF Aircraft Serial Number lists

Navy and Marines

This form allows you to search for a Navy or Marines aircraft by its BuNo or description. You may use the tail portion of the BuNo, if that is all that you know. Capitalization matters in the description field.
Bureau Number or Description: Examples: 123456, 3456, F4U-1, Sea Dart
Series: Second
(1935 - 1940)
(1940 - present)
Source: Joe Baugher's Navy Aircraft Serial Number lists
To contribute data or request additional aircraft information, please consult Joe Baugher's pages
Report bugs in the search programs to Jeremy
hits since Mar 25, 2002
Made in the USA.