HOWTO build the MPlayer-1.0pre5 Movie Player on HP-UX 11.11 (11.i)

by Martin Gansser

Version 2.7 (26.11.2004)



This HOWTO explains how to build the MPlayer movie player on HP-UX 11.11

Important notice:  MPlayer must be built using GCC, HP cc will not produce a working program.

1. Install the GNU C compiler (using version 3.4.3-32) from:
tar xfz gcc-3.4.1-32-11.00-hppa2.0.tbz -C /usr/local

2. Install GNU make 3.80
cp make-3.80-sd-11.11.depot.gz  /tmp
gunzip make-3.80-sd-11.11.depot.gz
swinstall -s /tmp/make-3.80-sd-11.11.depot  make


3. Install GNU audiofile 0.2.6
cp audiofile-0.2.6-sd-11.11.depot.gz /tmp

gunzip audiofile-0.2.6-sd-11.11.depot.gz
swinstall -s /tmp/audiofile-0.2.6-sd-11.11.depot  audiofile


4. Install GNU esound 0.2.35
cp esound-0.2.35-sd-11.11.depot.gz /tmp

gunzip esound-0.2.35-sd-11.11.depot.gz
swinstall -s /tmp/esound-0.2.35-sd-11.11.depot  esound


5. Build SDL-1.2.7
gunzip SDL-1.2.7.tar.gz | tar xf -


setenv CC "/usr/local/pa20_32/bin/gcc"

setenv CXX "/usr/local/pa20_32/bin/g++"



gmake distclean

gmake clean


./configure --prefix=/usr/local \

            --disable-joystick \

            --enable-static=no \

            --enable-cdrom=no \

            --enable-oss=no \

            --enable-alsa=no \

            --enable-video=yes \

            --enable-events=yes \

            --enable-timers=yes \

            --enable-esd=yes \

            --with-esd-prefix=/usr/local \

            --with-x=yes \

            --enable-video-x11=yes \


gmake && gmake install


6. Install Mesa for OpenGL functionality
cp Mesa-6.0.1-sd-11.11.depot.gz /tmp
gunzip Mesa-6.0.1-sd-11.11.depot.gz
swinstall -s /tmp/Mesa-6.0.1-sd-11.11.depot Mesa


7. Build libmad
gunzip -c mad-0.14.2b.tar.gz | tar xf -
cd mad-0.14.2b
./configure && gmake && gmake install


8. Unpack MPlayer sources
bunzip2 -c MPlayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
cd MPlayer-1.0pre5


9. Build MPlayer without the gui for gtk

set path=( /usr/local/pa20_32/bin $path )

setenv CC "/usr/local/pa20_32/bin/gcc"

setenv CXX "/usr/local/pa20_32/bin/g++"

gmake clean

gmake distclean

./configure --prefix=/opt/MPlayer --enable-gl --enable-freetype \

                   --with-extralibdir="/usr/lib -lrt -L/usr/local/lib -lpng" \

                   --enable-sdl \


gmake && gmake install


10. Copy configuration file
cp MPlayer-1.0pre5/etc/input.conf  /opt/MPlayer/etc/mplayer


11. Start MPlayer in text Mode


12. Available video output drivers:
# ./mplayer -vo help

MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.4.3 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team


CPU: Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC

Reading config file /opt/MPlayer/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory

Reading config file //.mplayer/config

Available video output drivers:

        x11     X11 ( XImage/Shm )

        xover   General X11 driver for overlay capable video output drivers

        sdl     SDL YUV/RGB/BGR renderer (SDL v1.1.7+ only!)

        null    Null video output

        pgm     PGM file

        md5     MD5 sum

        mpegpes Mpeg-PES file

        yuv4mpeg        yuv4mpeg output for mjpegtools (to "stream.yuv")

        tga     Targa output


13. Available audio output drivers:
# ./mplayer -ao help

MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.4.3 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team


CPU: Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC

Reading config file /opt/MPlayer/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory

Reading config file //.mplayer/config

Available audio output drivers:

        mpegpes Mpeg-PES audio output

        esd     EsounD audio output

        sdl     SDLlib audio output

        null    Null audio output

        pcm     RAW PCM/WAVE file writer audio output

        plugin  Plugin audio output


14. Playback of a MPEG file with SDL
# mplayer -vo sdl /tmp/titanic.mpeg


15. Create DVD Device
scan the scsi bus with:
# ioscan -fn

Class          I            H/W   Path          Driver    S/W State    H/W Type        Description
ext_bus 1    8/16/5      c720  CLAIMED INTERFACE  Built-in SCSI
target  3    8/16/5.2    tgt   CLAIMED DEVICE
disk    4    8/16/5.2.0  sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE     PIONEER DVD-ROM DVD-305
                         /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0
target  4    8/16/5.7    tgt   CLAIMED DEVICE
ctl     1    8/16/5.7.0  sctl  CLAIMED DEVICE     Initiator
                         /dev/rscsi/c1t7d0 /dev/rscsi/c1t7l0 /dev/scsi/c1t7l0

The screen output shows an Pioneer DVD-Rom at SCSI address 2.
The Card Instance for Hardware Path 8/16 is 1.


16. Create a link from raw device to dvd device


# ln -s /dev/rdsk/c<SCSI bus instance>t<SCSI target ID>d<LUN> /dev/<device>

# ln -s /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0 /dev/dvd


17. Play a DVD-Film from DVD-Drive

play with sound:

# mplayer -vo sdl dvd://2


play w/o sound:

# mplayer -vo sdl -ao null dvd://2


Important information:

With this version, it should be possible to play the following Video/Audio formats from disc or direct from a DVD Drive:

Video: MPEG 1/2; AVI; video/VOB; DIVX; QuickTime/MOV
Audio: wav; mp3


1. The video output mode gl and gl2 work, however, the speed can be very bad depending on the cpu speed.


2. Crash at Start with the following error message:
/usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: finite (code) from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/hppa2.0n-hp-hpux11.00/3.2/../../../

This mean that the function ‘finite()‘ isn’t available in standard HP-UX math library.
Instead there is ‘isfinite()‘.

Use the latest Mesa depot file


3. Crash at playback with the following error message:
/usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: sem_init (code) from /usr/local/lib/

use the extralib option at configure
--with-extralibdir="/usr/lib -lrt"


4. MPlayer segfaults with a messages like this:
Pid 10166 received a SIGSEGV for stack growth failure.
Possible causes:
insufficient memory or swap space, or stack size exceeded maxssiz.
Segmentation fault

The HP-UX kernel has a default stack size of 8MB(?) per process.(11.0 and newer 10.20 patches
let you increase maxssiz up to 350MB for 32-bit programs). You need to extend maxssiz
and recompile the kernel (and reboot). You can use SAM to do this. (While you are at it, check the
maxdsiz parameter for the maximum amount of data a program can use. It will depend on your
applications if the default of 64MB is enough or not.)