Year |
Youngquist |
Geodestinies: The Inevitable Control of Earth Resources over Nations
& Individuals (at www.TheSocialContract.com) |
1997 |
894202995 |
National Book Co |
Richard Heinberg |
The Party's Over: Oil, war, and
the Fate of Industrial Societies |
2003 |
0865714827 |
New Society |
Hardin |
Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos |
1995 |
195093852 |
Oxford University Press |
Laurie Garrett |
Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse
of Global Public Health [especially
the chapter on Russia] |
2001 |
786884401 |
Hyperion |
Perlin |
Forest Journey: The Role of Wood
in the Development of Civilization |
1991 |
674308921 |
Harvard University Press |
Clive Ponting |
A Green History of the World:
The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations |
1993 |
0140176608 |
Penguin Books |
Donella Meadows |
The Limits to Growth: The 30
year update |
2004 |
193149858X |
Chelsea Green |
Oil, Hubbert's Curve, Natural Gas |
Julian Darley |
High Noon for Natural Gas: The
New Energy Crisis |
2004 |
1931498539 |
Chelsea Green |
Kenneth Deffeyes |
Hubbert's Peak: The Impending
World Oil Shortage |
2001 |
0691090866 |
Princeton University Press |
Matthew Simons |
The Case for a Coming Natural Gas Shortage www.worldenergysource.com/articles/pdf/simmons_WE_v5n3.pdf |
Daniel Yergin |
The Prize: The Epic Quest for
Oil, Money, and Power [Pulitzer Prize
winner] |
1993 |
0671799320 |
Free Press |
Fossil Fuels and Food |
& Marshall Fisher |
www.discover.com/recent_issue/index.html select recent issues on left, 2001 issues,
scroll down, select The Nitrogen Bomb from April 2001 Vol. 22 No. 4 |
John Gever |
Beyond Oil: The Threat to Food
and Fuel in the Coming Decades |
1991 |
870812424 |
University Press of
Colorado |
Vaclav Smil |
Global Population & the Nitrogen Cycle Scientific American Jul 1997
http://hollandimac.chem.rochester.edu/n2cycle.pdf |
Vaclav Smil |
Enriching the Earth: Fritz
Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production |
2000 |
026219449X |
MIT Press |
Rich Pirog, et al |
Food, Fuel, and Freeways www.ag.iastate.edu/centers/leopold/pubinfo/papersspeeches/food_mil.pdf |
David Pimentel |
Food, Energy, and Society |
1996 |
0870813862 |
University Press of
Colorado |
you can do |
Post Carbon Institute |
http://www.postcarbon.org/ select
outposts or get involved |
Oil awareness |
http://oilawareness.meetup.com/ |
World War III How likely is it
that we'll avoid war over the remaining resources? |
Kleveman |
The New Great Game: Blood and Oil in
Central Asia |
2003 |
0871139065 |
Atlantic Monthly Press |
Michael Klare |
Resource Wars: The New Landscape
of Global Conflict |
2001 |
0805055754 |
Metropolitan Books |
Chalmers Johnson |
The Sorrows Of Empire: Militarism,
Secrecy, and the End of the Republic |
2004 |
805070044 |
Metropolitan Books |
Politics Why
it's so hard to find a way out of our situation: the Human Political Animal |
Michael Harris |
Lament For An Ocean: The
Collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery: A True Story |
1998 |
771039581 |
McClelland & Stewart |
Stanton Glantz |
Tobacco War: Inside the
California Battles |
2000 |
0520222865 |
University of California
Press |
Jack Doyle |
Taken for a Ride: Detroit's Big
Three and the Politics of Pollution |
2000 |
1568581475 |
Four Walls Eight Windows |
Dan Fagin |
Toxic Deception: How the
Chemical Industry manipulates science, bends the law, and endangers your
health |
1999 |
1567511627 |
Common Courage Press |
James C. Scott |
Seeing Like a State.
How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human
Condition Have Failed. |
1998 |
0300070160 |
Yale University Press |
Human Ecology Why it's so hard to
find a way out of our situation: homo sapiens in nature |
William Catton |
Overshoot |
1982 |
0252009886 |
University of Illinois
Press |
Tim Flannery |
The Future Eaters: An Ecological
History of the Australian Lands and People |
2002 |
0802139434 |
Grove Press |
Judith Shapiro |
Mao's War against Nature: Politics
and the Environment in Revolutionary China |
2001 |
0521786800 |
Cambridge University Press |
Shepherd Krech |
The Ecological Indian: Myth and
History |
2000 |
0393321002 |
W. W.
Norton |
Michael Williams |
Deforesting the Earth: From
Prehistory to Global Crisis |
2002 |
0226899268 |
University of Chicago Press |
Tim Flannery |
The Eternal Frontier: An
Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples |
2001 |
0871137895 |
Atlantic Monthly Press |
Resource Allocation |
David Landes |
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations:
Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor |
1998 |
0393040178 |
W. W.
Norton |
Jared Diamond |
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The
Fates of Human Societies [Pulitzer
Prize winner] |
1999 |
0393317552 |
W. W.
Norton |
Energy If you don't know the laws of the universe, you're going
to believe whoever says what you want to hear in the most compelling
language. To get up to speed, go to
any bookstore, and depending on whether you're an Idiot or a Dummy, there are
all sorts of basic guides to Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, etc] Meanwhile, start with: |
Don Lancaster |
Introduction to Energy Fundamentals
www.tinaja.com/glib/energfun.pdf |
M.Simpson & J.Kay |
Availability, Exergy, the
Second Law and all that...
www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/u/jjkay/pubs/exergy/ |
Why there's not a technical fix |
Other sources of energy
cannot deliver sufficient surpluses to replace the potent portable energy we
know as gasoline and diesel. It is not generally understood that poorer
quality energy sources can be critically dependant upon oil for their
extraction, processing and distribution. In other words, oil is the precursor
for other sources of energy; gas, coal, nuclear, solar, hydro, because these
require oil fuel to create and maintain infrastructure. It also gives them
the illusion of being "profitable". http://www.unknownnews.net/040712a-fm.html |
Fusion A very important article
from SCIENCE. Hydrogen, solar, wind, and other alternatives are also
discussed. The conclusion: fusion is
our only hope to avoid Global Warming and keep western civilization going. |
Martin Hoffert, et al |
Advanced Technology Paths
to Global Climate Stability: Energy for a Greenhouse Planet http://fire.pppl.gov/science_adv_energy_103102.pdf
www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 298
1 November 2002 |
Hydrogen. |
Joseph J. Romm |
Hype About Hydrogen: Fact and
Fiction in the Race to Save the Climate |
2004 |
155963703X |
Island Press |
U.Bossel &
B.Eliasson |
Energy and the Hydrogen Economy
www.methanol.org/pdfFrame.cfm?pdf=HydrogenEconomyReport2003.pdf |
Wade Amos |
Costs of Storing & Transporting Hydrogen
www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/pdfs/25106.pdf |
Amory Lovins |
Twenty Hydrogen Myths
http://www.rmi.org/images/other/E-20HydrogenMyths.pdf |
John R Wilson |
Twenty Hydrogen Myths
Challenged http://www.evworld.com/library/20MythsChallenged_Wilson.rtf |
Don Lancaster |
The Hydrogen Scene: It's a Gas
www.tinaja.com/glib/resbn88.pdf |
Don Lancaster |
Tech Musings (page 1)
www.tinaja.com/glib/muse151.pdf |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Safety www.ott.doe.gov/otu/field_ops/pdfs/fcm06r0.pdf |
Biomass, Hydro, Wind, Solar, Thermal, and Photovoltaic
Power |
Hayden |
The Solar Fraud: Why Solar
Energy Won't Run the World |
2002 |
0971484503 |
Vales Lake |
Trainer |
Renewable Energy: What Are the Limits? http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/tsw/D74.RENEWABLE-ENERGY.html |
Ethanol & Biomass There isn't
enough land to both feed people and produce vegetable oil or ethanol |
Tad W.Patzek |
Ethanol from Corn: Clean Renewable Fuel for the Future, or Drain on Our
Resources and Pockets?
www.wcpn.org/news/2003/07-09/images/ethanol/EthanolFromCorn.pdf |
David Pimental |
Energy and Dollar costs of Ethanol Production with corn hubbert.mines.edu/news/v98n2/mkh-new7.html |
Wind |
Andrew Ferguson |
www.optimumpopulation.org/ select energy on the left, select "OPT
Research: Wind and Biomass" in the text, select "Wind Biomass energy capture" from the April 2003 issue |
NW National Laboratory |
Wind Energy Resource Atlas
of the United States Where the wind blows, how
strong, and when: many regions are not suitable for wind production
rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/atlas_index.html |
Nuclear |
Wolfson |
Nuclear Choices: A Citizen's Guide to Nuclear Technology |
1993 |
0262731088 |
MIT Press |
Net Energy: If it takes more energy to create or extract a source of
energy than you get out if it, it's an energy sink. |
Howard T Odum |
1) Environment, power, and society 2) Systems Ecology, Energy Basis for Man
& Nature |
David Pimental |
Food, energy, and society 2) Food and
Energy Resources |
Middle East
How much longer will this region, with the majority of the remaining
oil, remain stable? |
Robert Baer |
Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude |
2004 |
1400052688 |
Three Rivers Press |
Rashid |
Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia |
2000 |
B0000DK3W8 |
Yale University Press |
Dilip Hiro |
In the Eye of the Storm |
2002 |
1560254777 |
Thunder's Mouth Press |
David Pryce-Jones |
The Closed Circle: An
Interpretation of the Arabs |
2002 |
1566634407 |
Ivan R. Dee |
Population |
Virginia Abernethy |
Population Politics: The Choices That Shape Our Future |
2000 |
765806037 |
Insight Books |
Beck & Leon Kolankiewicz |
The Environmental
Movement’s Retreat From Advocating U.S. Population Stabilization (1970-1998). The years surrounding 1970 marked the coming of age of
the modern environmental movement. As
that movement approaches its fourth decade, perhaps the most striking change
is the virtual abandonment by national environmental groups of U.S.
population stabilization as an actively pursued goal.
www.population.org.au/pressrm/pub/RetreatfromStabilization.pdf |
Garrett Hardin |
3 books: The Ostrich Factor:
Our Population Myopia, The Immigration
Dilemma: Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons,
Stalking the Wild Taboo |
Oxford University Press |
Bill McKibben |
A Special Moment in History
www.theatlantic.com/issues/98may/special1.htm |
All links at: |
www.mnforsustain.org/table_of_contents.htm especially those
by William Catton about Malthus |
Thomas Homer-Dixon |
Environment, Scarcity, and Violence |
2001 |
0691089795 |
Princeton University Press |
Evolutionary Psychology & Biology |
Robert Wright |
The Moral Animal: Evolutionary
Psychology and Everyday Life |
1995 |
679763996 |
Peter Smith |
Matt Ridley |
The Origins of Virtue: Human
Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation |
1997 |
0670874493 |
Viking |
Judith Harris |
The Nurture Assumption: Why
Children Turn Out the Way They Do |
1998 |
0684844095 |
Free Press |
Geoffrey Miller |
The Mating Mind: How Sexual
Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature |
2000 |
0385495161 |
Doubleday |
David Barash |
Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and
Infidelity in Animals and People |
2001 |
038549517X |
Anchor Books/Doubleday |
Sarah Hrdy |
Mother Nature. A history of Mothers, Infants, and Natural
Selection |
1999 |
0679442650 |
Pantheon Books |
Steven Pinker |
How the Mind Works |
1999 |
0393318486 |
W. W. Norton |
Violence |
Lawrence Keeley |
War before Civilization: The
Myth of the Peaceful Savage |
1997 |
195119126 |
Oxford University Press |
Philip Gourevitch |
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed
With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda |
1999 |
0312243359 |
Picador USA |
Daniel Goldhagen |
Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary
Germans & the Holocaust |
1997 |
0679772685 |
Vintage Books |
& Peterson |
Demonic Males: Apes and the
Origins of Human Violence |
1997 |
0395877431 |
Mariner Books |
Ghiglieri |
The Dark Side of Man: Tracing
the Origins of Male Violence |
2000 |
0738203157 |
Perseus Publishing |
Richard Rhodes |
Why They Kill: The Discoveries
of a Maverick Criminologist |
2000 |
0375702482 |
Vintage Books |
Science |
Brian Greene |
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings,
Hidden Dimensions, & the Quest for the Ultimate Theory |
2001 |
0613250028 |
Sagebrush Education
Resources |
Hawking |
A Brief History of Time |
1988 |
055305340X |
Bantam |
Garrett |
The Coming Plague: Newly
Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance |
1995 |
0140250913 |
Penguin Books |
& BioDiversity |
Chris Bright |
Life out of Bounds: BioInvasion
in a Borderless World |
1998 |
0393318141 |
W. W. Norton |
Novacek, et al |
The Biodiversity Crisis: Losing
What Counts |
2001 |
1565845706 |
New Press |
Global Warming |
R. Weart |
The Discovery of Global Warming |
2003 |
0674011570 |
Harvard University Press |
Critical Thinking |
Nicholas Capaldi |
The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. How to Win an
Argument, Defend a Case, …. |
1987 |
0879754249 |
Prometheus Books |
Robert Cialdini |
Influence: The Art of Persuasion |
1998 |
0688128165 |
Perennial Currents |
Carl Sagan |
The Demon-Haunted World:
Science as a Candle in the Dark |
1996 |
039453512X |
Random House |
Michael Shermer |
Why People Believe Weird Things.
Pseudoscience, superstition and other confusions |
1997 |
0716730901 |
W.H. Freeman & Company |
Evolution |
Charles Darwin |
the Origin of Species & The Descent of Man |
Jonathan Weiner |
The Beak Of The Finch: A Story
Of Evolution In Our Time [Pulitzer
Prize winner] |
1994 |
0679400036 |
Alfred A. Knopf |
Carl Zimmer |
Parasite Rex. Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous
Creatures |
2000 |
0684856387 |
Free Press |
Putting it All Together |
Edward O. Wilson |
Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge |
1998 |
0786216077 |
Thorndike Press |
Industrial Agriculture |
Eric Schlosser |
Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal |
2002 |
0060938455 |
Perennial |
Steven Stoll |
The Fruits of Natural Advantage:
Making the Industrial Countryside in California |
1998 |
520211723 |
University of California
Press |
Kimbrell (editor) |
Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of
Industrial Agriculture |
2002 |
1559639415 |
Foundation for Deep Ecology |
Richard C. Fluck |
Agricultural Energetics |
1996 |
0870553461 |
A V I Publishing Company |
groups.yahoo.com/group/waterforum/ |
Glennon |
Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping & the Fate of America's Fresh
Waters |
2004 |
1559634006 |
Island Press |
F. Mount |
California Rivers &
Streams. The Conflict between Fluvial Process &
Land Use |
1995 |
0520202503 |
University of California
Press |
Postel |
Pillar of Sand, Can
the Irrigation Miracle Last? |
1999 |
0393319377 |
W. W. Norton |
Natural History |
Safina |
Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival |
2003 |
0805062297 |
Owl Books |
Lopez |
Of Wolves and Men |
1979 |
0684163225 |
Scribner |
& Wilson |
Journey to the Ants |
1995 |
0674485262 |
Belknap Press |
Rolling Back the Clock
Who knows how far back civilization will go? |
Vogel |
Prime Mover: A Natural History of Muscle |
2003 |
039332463X |
W. W. Norton |
Joanna Stratton |
Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier |
1981 |
0671226118 |
Simon & Schuster |
Richard White |
It's Your Misfortune and
None of My Own.
A New History of the American West. |
1993 |
0806125675 |
University of Oklahoma
Press |
Ambrose |
Undaunted Courage. Merriwether
Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West |
1997 |
0684826976 |
Simon & Schuster |
Massie |
Peter the Great: His Life and World |
1996 |
0345336194 |
Ballantine |
Tuchman |
Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century |
1979 |
0345349571 |
Ballantine |
Gimpel |
Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages |
1977 |
0140045147 |
Penguin Books |
Huppert |
After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe |
1998 |
0253211808 |
Indiana University Press |
How Rich Nations Steal From
Poor Nations |
George |
Faith and Credit: The World Bank's Secular Empire |
1994 |
0813326087 |
Books |
Fire |
J. Pyne |
Fire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire |
1997 |
029597592X |
University of Washington
Press |
J. Pyne |
Burning Bush, A Fire History of Australia |
1991 |
0805014721 |
Henry Holt & Co |
Taylor |
Jumping Fire. A Smoke Jumper's
memoir of fighting wildfire |
2001 |
0156013975 |
Harvest Books |
Inventing a New
What worked, what failed, and why? |
Mark Holloway |
Utopian Communities in
America, 1680-1880 |
1966 |
0486215938 |
Dover Publications |
Hine |
California's Utopian
Colonies |
1983 |
0520048857 |
University of California
Press |
Donald E. Pitzer |
America's Communal Utopias |
1997 |
0807846090 |
University of North
Carolina Press |
Norberg-Hodge |
Ancient Futures: Learning
from Ladakh |
Sustainability |
C. Mollison |
Permaculture: A Designers' Manual |
1997 |
0908228015 |
Tagari Publications |
Ted Trainer |
The Alternative,
Sustainable Society; the Simpler Way http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/tsw/12b-The-Alt-Sust-Soc-Lng.html |
Howard T. Odum |
The Prosperous Way Down: Principles
and Policies |
2001 |
0870816101 |
University Press of
Colorado |
Trashing the Planet |
Colborn |
Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and
Survival? A Scientific Detective Story |
1996 |
0525939822 |
Penguin Books |
Hayden |
Trashing the Oceans http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Ocean/Trashing-Oceans-Plastic4nov02.htm |
& C.Murphy |
Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage. What our garbage tells us
about ourselves |
2001 |
0816521433 |
University of Arizona Press |
WorldWatch Institute |
State of the World 2004 |
Higher Education in America |
Sperber |
Beer and Circus: How Big-Time College Sports Is Crippling Undergraduate
Education |
2001 |
0805068112 |
Owl Books |
To counteract depression from above |
Adams |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to
the Galaxy series |
1995 |
0345391802 |
Ballantine |
McFadden |
The Serial: A year in the life of Marin County |
1997 |
0394733614 |
Random House |
Horwitz |
Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War |
1998 |
0679439781 |
Pantheon Books |
Kipfer |
14,000 Things to Be Happy
about |
1990 |
0894803700 |
Workman Publishing |
Weschler |
Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of
Wonder: Pronged Ants, Horned Humans, Mice on Toast, & Other Marvels of
Jurassic Technology |
1996 |
0679764895 |
Vintage Books |
Armchair Travel |
Chatwin |
The Songlines |
1998 |
0140094296 |
Penguin Books |
Clarke |
Equator: A Journey Around the World |
1988 |
0688069010 |
Harper Collins |
Hatfield |
North of the Sun: A Memoir of the Alaskan Wilderness |
1990 |
1559720433 |
Carol Publishing |
Kane |
Savages |
1996 |
0679740198 |
Vintage Books |
Muir |
The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures |
1994 |
0939666758 |
Yosemite Association |
Norberg-Hodge |
Ancient Futures: Learning From Ladakh |
1992 |
0871566435 |
Sierra Club Books |
& Mark Owens |
Cry of the Kalahari, Seven Years in Africa's Last Great Wilderness |
1992 |
0395647800 |
Mariner Books |
You'll be glad you stayed
home: |
O'Hanlon |
No Mercy: A Journey Into the Heart of the Congo |
1998 |
0679737324 |
Vintage Books |
D. Kaplan |
The Ends of the Earth: A Journey to the Frontiers of Anarchy |
1997 |
0679751238 |
Vintage Books |
Interesting |
Bourdain |
Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly |
2001 |
0553528521 |
Random House |
Conover |
Rolling Nowhere: Riding the rails with America's Hoboes |
2001 |
0375727868 |
Vintage Books |
Hawley |
Against the Fires of Hell: The Environmental Disaster of the Gulf War |
1997 |
5553408881 |
World Publications |
Hogshire |
You Are Going to Prison (more than you want to know. The perfect gift for anyone
going to jail) |
1994 |
1893626229 |
Breakout Productions |
Hughes |
The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia's Founding |
1988 |
0394753666 |
Vintage Books |
Jenkins |
The Lawn: A History of an American Obsession |
1994 |
1560984066 |
Smithsonian Books |
Kimbrough |
Taking Up Serpents: Snake Handlers of Eastern Kentucky |
1995 |
0807822272 |
University of North
Carolina Press |
Kondo |
Crafting Selves: Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese
Workplace |
1990 |
0226450449 |
University of Chicago Press |
Kunstler |
Geography of Nowhere: The Rise And Declineof America'S Man-Made Landscape |
1994 |
0671888250 |
Free Press |
A.R.Luria L.Solotaroff |
The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book About a Vast Memory |
1968 |
0465046150 |
Perseus Book Group |
McPhee |
Basin and Range, Coming
Into the Country, The Control of Nature, etc. |
R.P.Multhauf |
Neptune's Gift: A History of
Common Salt |
1978 |
0801819555 |
Johns Hopkins University
Press |
Pollan |
The Botany of Desire: A Plants-eye View of the World |
2002 |
0375760393 |
Random House |
Luigi Serafini |
Codex seraphinianus |
1985 |
0517475146 |
Random House |
Solnit |
Wanderlust: A History of Walking |
2001 |
0140286012 |
Dimensions |
Toth |
Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City |
1993 |
1556521901 |
Chicago Review Press |
Wolfe |
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid
Test, The Painted Word, The Right Stuff, etc. |
Fiction |
Asimov |
The Foundation series |
Duncan |
The River Why |
Faulkner |
The Sound and the Fury |
Le Guin |
Left Hand of Darkness |
Maclean |
A River Runs Through It |
Garcia Marquez |
One Hundred Years of
Solitude |
Toni Morrison |
The Bluest Eye |
Pynchon |
Gravity's Rainbow |
Robbins |
Jitterbug Perfume, Another
Roadside Attraction |
S. Robinson |
Red, Green, and Blue Mars |
Shakespeare |
Hamlet, etc. |
Stegner |
Angle of Repose |
Amy Tan |
The Joy Luck Club |
J.R.R.Tolkien |
The Hobbit & Lord of
the Rings Trilogy |
Leo Tolstoy |
War And Peace |
Twain |
Captain Stormfield's Visit
to Heaven, Roughing It, Life on the Mississippi,
etc., |
Vonnegut |
Sirens of Titan,
Slaughterhouse Five, etc. |
Wolfe |
Bonfire of the Vanities |
Poetry The best poems
are the ones read aloud at local cafes where you have a chance to visit the
innermost worlds of the people who wrote them. Otherwise randomly pull books down from the
poetry section to find poets you might like. |
To order the above
try: abebooks.com amazon.com bookfinder.com TheSocialContract.com |