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Dr. Atkins Books and other Low Carb Info

The 1Atkins-Low-Carb Mailing List is dedicated to providing support and  information to people following Low-Carb diets. 

We primarily follow the work of Dr. Atkins, whose low-carb way of eating has been proven over the past twenty years to be an incredibly effective diet for overall health, as well as weight loss. We include, however, other writers, who also have Low-Carb information.


Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution: The fundamental guide to the low-carb diet, this book claims to work miracles, and it delivers. Lose 10 pounds in two weeks, while eating all the meat you want. Stabilize your moods by kicking carbo lows and highs. Most importantly, feel better within days.

Dr. Atkins' Quick and Easy New Diet Cookbook: It's easy to stay on the Atkins diet, but it's a bit harder to stay a gourmet. This book tackles the challenge of creating gourmet meals without using sugars or unnecessary carbohydrates.

Dr. Atkins' New Carbohydrate Gram Counter: We warn you - this is a small book, much like the ones you might pick up at the check-out counter. It's perfect for bringing along to the store, but not so perfect as a reference. We recommend the Book of Food Counts.

Other books we recommend:

Protein Power
The High-Protein/Low Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit, and Boost Your Health-in Just Weeks!
 by Michael R. Eades, Mary Dan Eades

Low Carb Cookbook
by Frances Monson McCullough, Michael Eades, Mary Dan Eades

Book of Food Counts
by Corinne T. Netzer

Lauri's Low-Carb Cookbook:
by - Lauri Ann Randolph

Low Carb Recipes Fast & Easy
by Belinda Schweinhart, Chaddie Letson 

Everyday Low Carb Cookery - Revised Edition
by Alex Haas

Cooking Low Carb: And Loving Every Bite 
by Suzanne M. Boose