
I'm a cheese freak... I admit it. If there was a Cheese Freaks Anonymous, I'd be a charter member! But, as an Atkinite, I have to be careful, and moderate. (oooohhh, what a nasty, nasty word!) Cheese can be loaded with sodium, which retains water, and in some folks can cause them to "stall" (definition of a true stall is weeks, not days, by the way)

The other truism of cheese lore is that not all cheese is equal. Some, as the piggy said, are more equal than others. Remember when I said to watch for hidden carbs? Well, truly, cheese can be a big culprit there!

Painstakingly gleaned from the USDA nutrient search engine -

All amounts are 1 oz. unless otherwise noted:

Cheese, blue - 0.663
Cheese, brie - 0.128
Cheese, camembert - 0.130
Cheese, cheddar - 0.363
Cheese, cheshire - 1.355
Cheese, colby - 0.729
Cheese, cottage, creamed, large or small curd - 4 oz - 3.028
Cheese, cream -
1 oz - 0.754
1 cubic inch - 0.428
Cheese, edam - 0.405
Cheese, feta - 1.160
Cheese, fontina - 0.439
Cheese, gouda - 0.629
Cheese, gruyere - 0.102
Cheese, limburger - 0.139
Cheese, monterey jack - 0.193
Cheese, mozzarella, whole milk - 0.629
Cheese, mozzarella, whole milk, low moisture - 0.700
Cheese, muenster - 0.318
Cheese, neufchatel - 0.833
Cheese, parmesan, grated - 1.060
Cheese, provolone - 0.607
Cheese, ricotta, whole milk - 1/2 cup - 3.770
Cheese, romano - 1.029
Cheese, swiss - 0.958
Cheese, pasteurized processed, american - 0.454
Cheese food, pasteurized processed, american - 2.067
Cheese, goat, hard type - 0.615
Cheese, goat, semisoft type - 0.720
Cheese, goat, soft type - 0.252
Cheesecake commercially prepared - 7.229