Creative Visualization

I am constantly amazed at how the behavior modification techniques I used with clients back when I was counseling work wonderfully for fighting and minimizing cheats on this WOE! This technique is very similar to what is described by Stephen Covey in his book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". (A book I highly recommend!!) He based his ideas on those of Austrian Psychologist, Viktor Frankl, whom I idolize. Read his book "Man's Search for Meaning" if you ever get a chance, and talk about an eye opener, for motivation into why we over eat... well... maybe some other day, I'll write that essay!! 

Anyway, I have some ideas that might help you work on those nasty kind of urges, or "cravings" that can last for days, growing stronger and more intense. 

The first type of feeling I want to address is one that kind of sneaks up on you. It's the type of urge that has the slow, creeping kind of onset is sometimes minimized because the lack of intensity does not feel as immediately threatening as a sudden craving. Unfortunately this kind of urge can last for days and is frequently translated as other types of feelings. This can be felt as a vague kind of depression, a kind of feeling of dissatisfaction, or uneasiness. Sometimes you can mistake as a feeling that you no longer want to stay on the diet, or a belief that you cannot successfully lose weight. I call this the "Slough of Despond", after that part in "Pilgrim's Progress", where the hero has to slog through this horrible gully, with the weight of all his burdens pressing on him, through slime and gunk, and he is so afraid he will never get to the other side. Slough of Despond. Despondency dragging you down...

Here is a good rule of thumb. If you are not sure that what is going on, - use these techniques. It certainly couldn't hurt! If it is an urge you can eliminate it. If it is not an urge, you could still benefit by these techniques.

These two tools have very similar qualities. They both begin by using visualization to achieve a new and better emotional state (to combat the growing urge). Then, using a technique called ANCHORING, you can achieve, with practice, an almost instantaneous command of this emotional state. In other words, you learn to change how you feel with the visualization then by mastering the Anchoring Technique you can achieve this different emotional state quick as a finger snap.

The first visualization works best when you have been feeling vaguely depressed, restless, agitated or just kind of cranky" and dissatisfied. If you have been thinking of quitting the diet, or not fixing the good low carb food you need to keep around, or avoiding supportive friends, then this is a good beginning for you.

First, create for yourself, in your mind, a visualization of a place in nature. The beach, the forest, a rose garden. This can be a place that is real or created completely from your imagination. Do not use a real place if you ever binged there!! This is a place where you immediately feel calm, serene and above all, safe. In this visualization take a good look at your SAFE PLACE from the ground beneath your feet to the clouds above your head.

Use as many of your senses as you can to make this visualization vivid. On a beach, for example, visualize the color of the sand beneath your bare feet. Is it white? Pink, like in the Bahamas, with crushed coral mixed in? Black, like the volcanic beaches in Hawaii? Can you see the color of the water? Deep green, crashing against the rocks, like in New England? Deep turquoise blue, like in Bermuda? Are there beach plums growing nearby, palm trees? Are you reclining on a blanket? Swinging on a hammock? Standing there digging your toes in the sand? Can you feel the sand under your feet? Is it hot, or cool? Is there a wind blowing? Can you hear the waves, hear the sea gulls crying? Can you taste the salt on your lips? Can you see the blue sky above you, or is it night, and you're laying back looking at a billion stars? BE THERE, as completely as you can!!

When you have the scene firmly in your mind and you feel calm and safe take the fingers of you right hand and grasp and press down on a point above your left wrist. Just circle your left wrist with your right fingers, and press down. This is where you are "Anchoring" your Safe Place.

Be sure to anchor your Safe Place visualization each and EVERY time you practice it. Then, later, when you need to call up a calm, safe feeling to combat the urge to binge or give up on your diet plan you can press the Anchor point, that spot above your left wrist, and you will begin to immediately experience the calm, safe feelings.

Note: the degree to which this technique works is directly related to how much you practiced it. Merely reading this material will not create a safe place nor anchor it for use when you are in need of combating an urge.

Using the same principle you can also create a strong refusal response that can be used when you are unexpectedly in a situation loaded with temptation - when that major "crazy craving" urge hits you at the buffet, or fast food joint, for instance.

Visualize yourself strongly or emphatically refusing an offer of sugary or starchy foods, and feeling good and strong about it. Hear yourself saying the words, hear that NO! Be especially aware of strong physical feelings within your body. Create a visualization where you refuse firmly with your head lifted, your shoulders back and standing very straight, very tall, very strong. Feel your jaw clench, and your muscles tighten. This is a VERY strong reaction you are having! You are saying, in effect, "Hell, NO!!! No way, no how, uh-uh, not a CHANCE!!"

As soon as you achieve this in your visualization, take your right hand and firmly form a fist, and press down on your right knee. You have just Anchored your JUST SAY NO visualization. Practice, practice and more practice will allow you to achieve that strong refusal quickly when you press on your knee when you feel tempted or weak in "slippery" places.

These techniques you are learning are based on how our brains work. Visualization and repetition can be very strong self-conditioning tools to help you overcome your former habits. Visualize yourself as succeeding, and you will! These techniques will work if you practice them and make them a part of your automatic response pattern.

Oh and an added benefit, the practice of visualization releases wonderful "feel good" endorphins!!