- Act silly
- B elieve in magic
- C
reate adventures
- D
aydream every chance you get
- E
njoy the little things
- F
ind time for FUN
- G
o to places you've never been before
- H
ang upside down from a tree
- I
- J
oin clubs
- K
eep it simple, silly
- L
ove all creatures
- M
ake time for your friends
- N
ap when you can
- O
pen your mind to new ideas!!!
- P
- Q
uestion the answers
- R
un with the wind
- S
ing songs a lot
- Take days off
- U
ncover your talents
- V
enture out of bounds
- W
alk on the wild side
- X
-pect the BEST
- Y
ield to the moment
- Z
zzzz - sleep peacefully